United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • 3 degrees gained!
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3 degrees gained!

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2001 12:11 pm
by Bridget
Hey, just wanted to post and let you all know that just one week after wearing the dynasplint Ian has now gained three degrees of extension! We are very pleased and hopeful that the splint will continue to help Ian straighten his arm out all the way. He seems to be stretching his arm and using it more in the past week, perhaps wearing the splint has increased his awareness of his left arm. In any case, we are pleased!


Re: 3 degrees gained!

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2001 1:30 pm
by admin
Congratulations Ian! That is wonderful news. It's me Justin's Mom. I am so glad that he is progressing. Did he have a severe contracture to begin with?

Re: 3 degrees gained!

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2001 2:13 pm
by admin
Way to go, Ian! Keep up the good work, we're rooting for you!

Re: 3 degrees gained!

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2001 4:53 pm
by francine
WOWEE!!!! you go Ian!! BRavo!!

Bridget- do you have a picture of Ian in his splint for us???

Maia will be getting another dynamic one after this splint comes off... we figure that the best time to get it made would be while she is at the end of her time in this splint so that we can transition right into it, therefore less emotional strain of being 'free' again...

We will count of Ian's words of support then!! By then he will probably be out of his!


Re: 3 degrees gained!

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2001 11:16 pm
by TNT1999
That's great! WTG, Ian! I'm sure this is just the encouragement that you both needed. I hope the rollercoaster ride stays on the upswing for you as long as possible! -Tina