United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Marriott rates...
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Marriott rates...

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2001 1:10 pm
by francine
Marriott rate for Entertainment Card is $69 per night.

Although we had a card with us (thank you Carol!!) - they didn't ask to see it.

You have to book this rate in advance because they only have so many available with this rate at any time.

What a deal this was! We did not keep the room while we were in the hospital - we both stayed in Maia's room. The couch is a double bed... if I was skinnier it would certainly have worked better, but Lou and I got forced to snuggle (which, on a King size bed at home with a 3 year old in the middle of us, doesn't happen that much anymore! LOL) (was that TMI? LOL)
