United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Walking in another's shoes
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Walking in another's shoes

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2001 9:53 am
by njbirk
Before our 'conversation' escalates into something none of us want, please let's all remember that we are here because we share something in common and we have a great deal to learn from one another regardless of our experience.

What follows is an academic discussion. Sorry but I am a professor ... I was reminded during this discussion of the philosopher Thomas Nagel, who has written a very interesting article explaining about how a scientific explanation of consciousness is impossible. Basically, that it is impossible to walk in another's shoes. Our own experience is different, each experience is unique. THe article is called "What is it like to be a bat" It is on the web at:

There is no way we can ever know what it is like to be a bat, the only way to know is to be a bat.

I cannot know what it is like to be tbpi because I am obpi, but we can share our consciousness. Please let's keep doing this.


Re: Walking in another's shoes

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2001 10:54 am
by Judy-T
Excellent article Nancy.Walking in another person's shoes is what I tell alot of people they should do.. speaking of bats i have been called a dingbat. Does that qualify me to know how a bat lives? LOL

Re: Walking in another's shoes

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2001 11:51 am
by Kathleen
Thanks Nancy....

Judy you are sick...
I would walk in your shoes ... but my feet are bigger...LOL...

Girls I think bats have better hearing then we do...LOL

now that we know our hearing is not right...LOL...
