United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Vision Loss on Bpi side
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Vision Loss on Bpi side

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2001 2:37 am
by Cynthia
I saw a few postings regarding hearing loss.

I was wondering if anyone had a child that was diagnosed with vision loss on their Bpi side?

Our daughter has a left bpi and has problems with her vision in her left eye. She will be referred to a specialist soon. Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing the same dilema.


Re: Vision Loss on Bpi side

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2001 8:02 am
by njbirk
I have amblyopia (lazy eye) in my left eye (the bpi side). I also have Horner's syndrome because of the damage to T1. The amblyopia was not caught early, it was caught when I was in first grade and that was too late for corrective treatment to be effective. The Horner's does not cause any vision loss, the amblyopia has caused severe vision loss. I often have blurry vision and I have no depth perception.

Amblyopia can be caused by trauma to the eye. Are the two connected somehow (the Horner's and the amblyopia?) I would think so, but no doctor has ever said so. But then, I've not asked this question.

Do have your children's eyes checked for amblyopia. It can be treated successfully if caught early enough.

