United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • EMS (Electronic Muscle Stimulation)
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EMS (Electronic Muscle Stimulation)

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2003 6:40 am
by Scotsman
I have been using EMS for the last 2 months and it definately seems to be increasing the muscle bulk on my bicep and pectoral. Although my bicep still pretty much looks like a knot in a thread it's incouraging to see some improvment, even though the outcome may only be cosmetic.
How many people out there are using this or have used it and what kind of improvement, if any, have you had? Another plus point to this is after using this my arm does tend to feel better, it could be that it improves the blood circulation which can't be a bad thing.
For anyone that doesn't know what i'm babbling about, you can buy EMS equipment from most good sport shops etc. Seemingly people use them along with training to promote muscle growth and get fitter. Also good to use after injuries to help prevent musclurar astrophy. It's a series of pads that you attach to the muscle that is then given an electronic pulse which makes the muscle tense. Just like doing a work out without the effort.

Re: EMS (Electronic Muscle Stimulation)

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2003 6:51 am
by lizzyb
Hi Mike...there is a thread on the TBPI Group messageboards about this...http://pub28.ezboard.com/fadultswithbra ... =508.topic
..it might help; also, same sort of question http://pub28.ezboard.com/fadultswithbra ... =536.topic

Liz :0)

Re: EMS (Electronic Muscle Stimulation)

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2003 1:37 pm
by George
Hi Mike.........I used the ems for some two years and learned early that it IS a workout for the affected muscles. Bout the only caution is to be careful of the settings. If the arm is numb, which most of ours are, you can't tell if you're getting too much current at one time........and the result may be quite a lovely little square-shaped burn where the pads are located. Ever get any of those ???????? But I agree with you........it's a good tool. Helped alleviate some pain also.


Re: EMS (Electronic Muscle Stimulation)

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2003 8:22 am
by Francine_Litz
george - we were advised by our therapist to put the pads on the unaffected arm to get the settings right and then turn it down 1-2 notches for the other arm.
maybe that'll help you avoid the burns?