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Answers to my son Logan's post-care from op 3 wks ago vs other children's
Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2001 1:32 pm
by dezarae
It was pointed out to me earlier in a few different ways that I should contact TCH regarding my son's post-op care from his recent capsulodesis surgery 3 weeks ago. We were instructed to do ROM daily and that we were allowed to remove his brace daily for baths. It was brought to my attention by 2 others that they were instructed in fact the opposite (no ROM whatsoever, or no removal of the brace during the first 8 weeks). So I sent an e-mail to Lisa T. regarding my concerns and she said that we are to continue with our son's post-care as we have been doing, that what was prescribed is particular to Logan, and that instructions are given on a case-by-case basis. So for others out there, I guess it is safe to assume that what you have been told is not always what others are told even when the procedure is the same.
Anyway, now I know. And thank you to the ones who made me question, as now maybe this will inform all of us that every child's post-care will probably be different than the next person you talk to.
Thx again.
Re: Answers to my son Logan's post-care from op 3 wks ago vs other children's
Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2001 12:24 am
by TNT1999
Thanks for letting us know, Dezarae. I was concerned b/c I know that Dr. Nath mentioned that the change is a new protocol and that they're still in the learning phase for this procedure. I know of one family that was initially instructed one way at the time of surgery and is now being told to follow the new protocol. I realize that every case is individual, but wasn't sure if everyone would get contacted with the new instructions (even if it applied to them). I'm glad that nothing has changed for you all and that it's working well with Logan. I'm sure that has to do with you not having to change anything. I imagine that his age might be a factor too since he's old enough to understand better and cooperate more. Anyway, thanks for posting to let us know. It puts my mind at ease. -Tina

Re: Answers to my son Logan's post-care from op 3 wks ago vs other children's
Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2001 1:40 am
by francine
It was explained to us that there are varying degrees of issues in the posterior dislocation... ranging from slight dislocation to a complete herniation.
The nature of the capsulodesis repair is defined by the severity of the problem. And I would think that the protocol for the splinting useage and timing would also match the severity of the problem.
Dr. Nath's instructions were very specific and very strict. He said to treat her splint as though it were an unremovable cast. Period. No movement - no ROMs - no splint removal. He showed us exactly what movement would rupture the stitches he put in the capsule - hand coming down.
I have no idea if this is a new protocol for all of the capsulodesis surgeries. So I think that a reminder that each child is different - each problem is different and each 'fix' is different and that the surgeon will define for you, what your child's protocols are - would be a valid reminder to give at this time.
Maia's doing ok in the splint but she's whacking me with it right and left.... I have cuts on my face and some bruises - she sleeps with us at night now (when she sleeps that is - it's 1 am and she is still battling it) - gosh I hope the kids at school have some protective gear around! LOL