United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Camp Update
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Camp Update

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2003 11:46 am
by ubpncathy
Well, at last! The special Camp Edition of Outreach is at the printer. From the printer, it will go to the mail house, and then to your home/office. Depending upon where you reside, you can expect to receive your Outreach by mid-April at the latest.

Thank you all for your enthusiasm and support for camp this year. We think you'll agree when you receive your Outreach, that camp is going to be just fabulous!

We realize that we've taken many extra weeks to get this information to you, but we wanted to plan for as much as we possibly could so that you would have a firm idea of what Camp UBPN 2003 will be about. Special thanks to Kim West for her many hours spent on designing Outreach.

In the mean time, we will begin working on setting up the information for the UBPN Website. This should take a few weeks.

Again, thanks for your positive feedback and enthusiasm. See you at Camp!


Re: Camp Update

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2003 2:33 am
by Ashley&Belle
Thank You Cathy for all your hard work. We all appreciate it so very much!!!
Can't wait to meet you!!!!!!

Re: Camp Update

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2003 1:40 pm
by ubpncathy
Hi Ashley!
Thanks so much for your comments. It is exciting to pull this camp together, and even more exciting to have so many participate in it.

I will take this opportunity to thank the many volunteers who have made this effort possible thus far: Not only has the UBPN Board of Directors participated at all levels, with fundraising, writing, proofing, information-gathering, but the UBPN InterACTION Program Volunteers have been busy doing many of the same tasks. There are also several people who attended Camp UBPN 2001, who've asked to become involved with this year's effort. They've participated at many levels. In addition, the Albany/Saratoga Springs bpi support group has been so helpful and supportive as we've made plans to come to their part of the world to host Camp. They can't wait to meet everyone!

We thank our many volunteers!

Re: Camp Update

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2003 4:22 pm
by Michelle_16
hi, can you make the info available on here bcos i dont get the outreach magazine to see the information.

Just a suggestion?

Michelle x

Re: Camp Update

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2003 7:56 pm
by ubpncathy
Hi Michelle,
Yes, we will absolutely make the information available on the website.

Would you like to receive Outreach? If so, please email me directly with the following information, and we'll make sure you receive it.

Your Name


Re: Camp Update

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2003 2:18 am
by admin
HI Cathy and all,

Thanks for the update on the extra day at camp. David and I are really excited about camp this year. It sure will be nice to see everyone again and meet new people. Have a great week-end and if there is anything we can do let Ryan or us know.


Re: Camp Update

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2003 12:31 am
by ubpncathy
Thanks Karen! We're in good shape these days, but I'll definitely keep your offer in mind. As the weekend approaches, you never know what might still need to be done. Hope to see you there, Cathy

Re: Camp Update

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2003 8:06 pm
by jeannebruski
Cathy, have a new address that we need our camp registration to go to: Jeanne Bruski 22 Violet Ln W Altoona WI 54720.


Re: Camp Update

Posted: Thu May 01, 2003 1:30 am
by ubpncathy
Ah, Jeanne...That's probably why you didn't receive Outreach, unless you have your mail forwarded to your new address. We'll make sure to change it on the mail list. We'll get another out to you asap. Cathy