United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • BPI support group - Hampton Roads area, Virginia
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BPI support group - Hampton Roads area, Virginia

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2003 5:03 pm
by Khiron's Krew
Are there any BPI support groups for children and parents in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia? If so can you please give us the contact info? If not, let's get start one. If interested, please respond.

Re: BPI support group - Hampton Roads area, Virginia

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2003 7:11 pm
Another Plateau is a group that meets in VaBeach at the Central Library once a month. Email me and I can get you more info on it...

Re: BPI support group - Hampton Roads area, Virginia

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2003 10:13 pm
by Khiron's Krew
I was recently informed of the group at VBCL. We will be present on 4/17/03 for that meeting. Thank You and GOD Bless!

Re: BPI support group - Hampton Roads area, Virginia

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2003 11:02 pm
by Francine_Litz
if you go to the Awareness section


and go to the worldwide support groups - there is a tri-state group (MD/VA/DC) already in place. If you contact them, maybe they can look at their list of members and find people in your area? One never knows right?

good luck,