United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Suggestions? Transition with new therapists
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Suggestions? Transition with new therapists

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2003 11:16 pm
by Faithsmommy
Hi there. EI just kicked in this past week and Faith has 3 new therapists. She's just starting to have stranger anxiety (7 1/2 months old) and she is just beside herself. I thought that having therapy at home might make it easier on her, but having people who she doesn't know prompting her to do things that she can't do is sending her into tail spins and I'd like to know what you all have done. They are all very nice and gentle with her and I'm with her the whole time. Maybe this is just how it is?.... (by the way, its not that she became attached to her other therapists at the clinic - she would turn her head away as soon as she saw them....I guess I would, too!)

Re: Suggestions? Transition with new therapists

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2003 11:25 pm
by kzd02
I would suggest maybe having her sit in your lap while they do the stretching exercises until she gets used to them. Sorry, I can't help out more than that. I have been lucky with Zoe. She hasn't started having stranger anxiety yet. Good luck finding ways to make her more comfortable around them. Also, maybe having them play games with her and you together might help? Kimberly

Re: Suggestions? Transition with new therapists

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2003 12:20 am
by Kristie
We have transitioned several times since our therapy journey has started. It will just take time... and a good therapist will be willing to take it. Some ideas are to just make the first few visits playing time... they watch you do any of the stretching motions. Also if you have an older child at home at the same time get them involved in the process may help Faith realize this is a fun thing if my sibling wants to join in. You might even see about having a few extra visits for a while... and shorter ones too. Kind of a less is more (more visits but less time at each visit). You may even try going to them- some EI's can do this other don't have a free standing clinic you can use... although you could arrange to meet at someplace neutral (like an indoor playground or library). Anyway it should get better over time... it is normal. My son still has issues with strangers and he is 2.