United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • I need info about muscle transfer
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I need info about muscle transfer

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2003 12:40 am
by twinsmom13
Hi everybody.

I would appreciate any info on the muscle transfer surgery. I talked to Dr. Nath at the NY picnic and he recommended a surgery where he would take the muscle from my leg and put it in my arm to make up for my bicep. I cannot raise my arm at all and the surgery would only allow me to bend my elbow. I am only 25 and already have some pain in my good arm from overuse. I am just wondering how beneficial the surgery would be because it is a 12 - 14 hour surgery. I have not had any surgeries on my arm before so I am a little nervous. Please give me any thoughts on this surgery because I need to make a decision so I will stop debating about it in my mind.

Thank you so much,

Re: I need info about muscle transfer

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2003 1:07 am
by francine
Heather - is it Dr. Nath that will do this surgery or is it Dr. Klebuc? If it's Klebuc - here's his information. If I were you I had would have a lengthy conversation with the surgeon who actually does this surgery. I might actually want to take a plane down there and set up a meeting with them before committing to something as big as this. There are some pretty cheap flights available now (pre war I guess).

Dr. Klebuc's email is : mklebuc@bcm.tmc.edu

Dr. Nath's email is: rnath@bcm.tmc.edu

I also have pictures of a young child having this same type of transfer surgery - although hers was forearm and NOT biceps. It is found here:


I wish you the best and hope you ask lots and lots of questions and trust your gut on whether or not you should do this surgery. It's such a personal decision.

good luck,