United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Taping
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Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2001 11:02 pm
by Carole
Anyone tried Kinesotaping (Spelling error) for winging. I am in the research mode and considering it for Kailtyn. She does not have sensitive skin so that won't be an issue. How often did you do it and what were the results? Thanks

Re: Taping

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2001 1:23 pm
by Kristie
We are using Kinesio Taping for our son Ian. He is Ten months old. A therapist that had gone to a conference on it showed us how to do it. She said that it was very important to make sure that the person doing the teaching to the parents knew what they were doing. Anyhow... the therapist that we used is in Washington at the Seattle Children's Hosptial. If you e-mail me I can get you her name and number...maybe her e-mail as well. We started in October and at that time I believe she said that Ian was only the second child they were trying it on. The other child was about 2 (I think) and it didn't go well because he didn't like the feeling of the tape on his back. We put the tape on and leave it on for a few days. We remove it so the skin can have a break for a day or so. The back on again. At this point we haven't see a lot of results. I hope I have helped you some!
E-mail me if you have further questions for me!

Re: Taping

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2001 4:38 pm
by Lisa D
We used Kinesio tape for our daughter's (Caitlin)winging problem. I was never very successful putting it on myself, so her PT did it once a week. Depending on how sensitive her skin was, I'd leave it on for anywhere between a day or two. We started it when she was about two months, and stopped around 11 months on a weekly basis. At that time we were using it for more than the winging...like helping her to get her wrist and finger movement, helping her bring in her biceps and triceps. Now we just use it when we notice excessive winging. I think it really has helped Caitlin. We are sure to do ROM right after it is put on and observe her very closely after its on. Sometimes based on what we see, the PT adjusts it. We haven't had to use it in almost 2 months. (She's 17 months now). Good luck.

Re: Taping

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2001 5:02 pm
by Kathleen Z
We are taping Josh's scapula (Josh is 9 mths old). The PT showed me how to do it, and I change it at home after 3-4 days. We have also used to tape to help keep his wrist from dropping. We use a white tape that says Beiersdorf on it. The brown tape that is actually called kinesiotape did not seem to help. The white tape holds him in the correct position better.
I think that the tape is helping some. The taping of the scapula seemed to also help him sit up straighter -- he tends to slouch forward.
We also use the brown stretchy kinesiotape on Josh's scar on his calf (from nerve graft surgery) The tape increases the blood flow to the area, so we're trying it to see if it will help the scar heal better.