United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • surgery during school year???
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surgery during school year???

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2003 2:30 pm
by staycee
My son is in a preschool program 2x's a week and we are scheduled for surgery in April, My question is how did anyone prepare the class?? being that there 3&4 yr olds or even their parents I don't want them to be scared of the him or the cast,
Thanks for everything

Re: surgery during school year???

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2003 3:19 pm
by JaimeC
My experience has been that even 3 and 4 year olds do fine with the splint/cast. They might ask if he broke his arm, then never think of it again. I never did any preparation except with the teachers. Kids this age are very very accepting. They're awesome!!

Re: surgery during school year???

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2003 3:44 pm
by NancyP
I have always let the teachers know what to expect when Kelsey has returned, but nothing else. I gave them instructions on what could or couldn't be done. At that age, the kids miss their classmates when they are gone and are so excited to see them return that it hasn't been a big deal for us.

Re: surgery during school year???

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2003 8:16 pm
by francine
I wrote a letter to the parents to explain why and what and so forth... so that they could explain it to their children in the manner in which they thought would be sufficient. Then before we left for Texas I wrote a book about it (very general) and read it to the class - I had pictures of airplanes, pictures of the hotel, pictures of the hospital building and pictures of her post surgical splint. I also brought an old splint with me so that the kids could try it on and it was put in the dress up bin so that anyone could dress up like Maia while she was immobilized. Also in the letter I put in a candle and asked that they light a candle and say a prayer for Maia the day of her surgery (I could do that because she goes to a parochial school - lol).

It worked out great.

good luck!

Re: surgery during school year???

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2003 1:45 pm
by Josh'smom
My Joshua had his surgery in August and he started preschool (age 3) in September so he went to school in his SOL splint. I talked to the teachers about it and even before school started I brought his in so they could see what it looked like on. They were VERY comfortable with it so that helped me and my son feel comfortable. Some parents asked and I should have had a letter written up like francine and given to them but I didnt. The few parents that did ask I told them about it, but out of 25 kids in the class only about 5 asked. The kids were so good about it, some kids just felt bad for my son and kinda buddied up with him to help him. It was no nice. My son DID great. Kids are just so amazing you'll see!!! Good luck.