United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Owen
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Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2003 11:37 am
by admin
Our son was born with Erbs Pasly after the Dr. did not use the proper techniques. Our son, Owen Abshire, was born Sept. 27th, 2002. My wife's water broke at 7cm and there was very dark green fluid "meconium" was present. We knew the baby was past due because our Ultra-sound due dates were Sept. 11th, 2002. The ultra-sounds also revealed that the baby was going to be big. In any regards, at 10cm, the Dr. showed up and immediately placed a suction cup on Owen's head and pulled with all her might. She even put both feet on the table in front of her. Then she made a cut and after the head came out, tried to suction the lungs, but she had trouble and panic'd. She continued pulling and the shoulder was stuck, so the Dr. made another cut. The Dr. pulled and twisted and my wife pushed with all her might and Owen finally came out with a paralyzed left arm. The Dr.'s medical report said that she noticed the meconium during the delivery and we still agreed to have a normal delivery. The Dr. also said that she used the McRoberts position and other corkscrew tecnique's that dislodged the shoulder easily.

I wish our trouble ended there, but our son is 4 1/2 months old and still hasn't seen a therapist. Our Pediatrician's office is making excuses about why they are so slow getting referral's with "Lost Paperwork", "Incomplete Paperwork", "Didn't Know he Needed it", "Insurance Fault", etc..etc. We are so stressed out because we know he might need surgery soon and have to take out a 2nd mortgage to pay for it just because our Pediatrician's office is careless.

Owen's arm was completely immobile for the first month, but he was able to move his hand and fingers. In the second month, he began raising it laterally in front of him with no bend. In month three, we have seen no or little signs of improved raising or bending of his elbow. Now he is over 4 months old and trying to crawl and he uses his right arm to pull his left arm over to his tummy. We work with him constantly by rotating his arm and supinating his wrists, etc.

We made an appt. to go to TX for surgery out of our own pocket. We have called our Pediatrician, Medical Insurance, Medical Group, etc so much that we are emotionally drained without hope. My monthly insurance costs is approx. $800, and I can't use it if our Dr. does not put in referral's to see specialists.

We sought an attorney who looked at the medical records and said we did not have a case, but he didn't know the Dr. lied in her report. The attorney never asked us or any witnesses in the room about it. What should we do?

Re: Owen

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2003 1:23 pm
by Tessie258
I am so sorry....I am feeling so helpless right now because I'm so angry for you!!!
Even if the doctors have lied your child still needs medical help now!!! I would call them every 30 minutes until you get the refferal or better yet go sit in their office and wait for it. If that doesn't work I'd be tempted to call the local news stations and tell them your story. I am so angry about this kind of crap happening that I would probably picket their office!!!! I hope everyone has better ideas than me...It makes me sick that these people lie to cover their butts and instead of helping the child they make it even worse than it already is!!!!!

Re: Owen

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2003 2:24 pm
by Allison
Dear Roy,
I'm so sorry to hear of your son's injury and the problems you are having with referrals and insurance. I would try calling your insurance company and ask to speak with the manager of the "case managment department". Advise this person of what happened to your son. Explain to them it is pertanant that your baby be evaluated asap! If they are not familiar with what a brachial plexus injury is, print out the helpful literature from this website and fax it to them. Stress you concern, and let them know you will NOT GIVE UP until this matter with the referral is taken care of. I noticed when we were going through this situation 1 year ago with our son, as soon as I mentioned laywer in the conversation, they were more attentive to my needs. If you need any assistance with what to say, please e-mail me @ pxy-dust@fast.net or feel free to call me @ 610-437-0578
I worked for a medical insurance company for 7 years. It's amazing how it has helped us get trough this ordeal. What state do you live in? I live in Pa. we can " self refer" the baby trough Early Intervention Services. The state pays for the baby's PT & OT.

Best of luck to you,

Re: Owen

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2003 5:01 pm
by Ruth
If you are going to TCH I would give Dr. Nath's office a call. George is in charge of dealing with insurance companies and getting referrals. He is magnificient at what he does. The phone number for Dr. Nath's office is (888) 368-8215. He will explain the injury to the insurance company and why specialist need to evaluate and treat this condition. Sorry for all you are going through. I know how frustrating it is fighting insurance companies.

I would also try and find another attorney.


Re: Owen

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2003 5:25 pm
by orabshire
I called Dr. Nath's office and the person that answered the phone was very helpful!! She doesn't think there will be a problem with getting insurance approval because they do it all the time and she was very informative. We are sending a video so that they can recommend surgery and get it all taken care of. Meanwhile, just found out Owen finally got a referral for 12 visits of Physical Therapy starting 2/27/03, but there appt's are very scarce. The can only schedule him 1 appt right now until our first visit! Seems like another rollercoaster to me. If they are so busy, why did they refer us to that office. Anyways, I'm happy to hear we might be able to go to TX and have Owen treated. I really want the best for my son and TX seems like the best! We have family in TX too that we can stay at.

Re: Owen

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2003 6:04 pm
by Tammie
I don't know what area you are in, but there are children therapy centers out there that will give you an eval and set you up for weekly appointments. Also, depending on your area, your local hospital should have PTs. They can get you in on a weekly basis. We started off at the hospital when my son was 2 weeks old until I found the CTC. We are in Northern VA. If you're in this area, I can give you the details.

Good luck with everything.

Re: Owen

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2003 9:53 pm
by admin
Start the Range of Motion (ROM) excersises. Do these often. Every diaper change. If your not sure how to do them there are websites that will show pictures and even explain how to do them. I do not know the web sites by heart so I am sure someone will post with the web sites. I am pretty sure too that the link under resourses before this message board lists the different excercises. The birth to 3 program is excellent too. They will help as long as you dont make extremely too much a year. I wish you the best of luck. I would also recommend changeing Owens primary physician. One that you can trust with your sons Brachial Plexus. Therapist are hard to find too. Dont let anyone lift Owen under the armpit. NOt EVEN THE DOCS OR THERAPIST. I know the