United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Aromatheraphy oils that are good for nerves!!
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Aromatheraphy oils that are good for nerves!!

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2003 11:58 am
by highlander_1406
Hi everyone i get Aromatheraphy in my local clinic which is when someone is massaging you with special oils which is very nice to get done. I have my back, neck, top of my chest and both my arms massaged. It can really make you feel better and a lot less tight. These are some oils names that i got incase anyone was interested in getting them to have rubbed or massaged onto them. ROMAN CHAMOMILE, LAVENDER, SWEET MARJORAM, ROSEMARY, SANDAL WOOD. These are the oils that are easier to get that are good for nerves. I you wish to get someone who does Aromatheraphy you should contact you local clinic/doctor and see if you can get someones close to you BUT it can be very expensive i get 30 minutes of it and it costs £10.

If you do get around to getting aromatheraphy let me know what you think


Re: Aromatheraphy oils that are good for nerves!!

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2003 1:23 pm
by francine
Hi Kevin - you can purchase all of these oils online...

They come in little bottles and shouldn't be too expensive but they will last a LONG time. You get a nice bottle of massage oil (like almond oil) and put about 10 drops of each essence in the whole bottle (if it's a big bottle - less if it's smaller) and shake and there ya go.... You will know if you have to add more or not - trust your smeller - your intuition will give you the correct mix. This way you can put a little in your bath water or massage yourself at night.

So glad you are finding help in getting massaged - that's what I do for a living.


Re: Aromatheraphy oils that are good for nerves!!

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2003 1:28 pm
by francine
by the way - 10 pounds for 30 minutes - that's quite a deal quite frankly. Prices are WAY higher here if not more than double! I hope this gives you a new perspective and a new appreciation! But if you start using aromatherapy essences on a more frequent level you will also get great benefit - whether you are just smelling them or washing with them or whether or not someone is massaging you with them. Essences affect a person on a vibrational level and don't have to be rubbed in for them to do their magic.

Re: Aromatheraphy oils that are good for nerves!!

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2003 2:30 pm
by highlander_1406
Hey Francine i new that £10 was cheap compared to physio prices but didnt know that aromatheraphy was so expensive else where and now i think i am getting it cheap thanks. Is it true then that the oils can benifit you a lot in healing nerves? Well not a lot but you know what i mean


Re: Aromatheraphy oils that are good for nerves!!

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2003 5:55 pm
by francine
Well Kevin - what you are receiving is a massage and they are using aromatherapy oils. In my state, a massage usually runs somewhere between $60-$150 per hour. And the cheaper ones will probably charge about $10-20 more for the use of essential oils. It also depends on whether or not they are trained. Aromatherapists might charge more. Yes essential oils can assist in many different ways - they can be quite powerful. They will assist the body in whatever journey it is on.

Here's another oil you can try that is helpful, especially in cold weather...

here's another link you might want to read


Re: Aromatheraphy oils that are good for nerves!!

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2003 1:10 pm
by highlander_1406
Thank you very much Francine. i think you know everything there is to know.



Re: Aromatheraphy oils that are good for nerves!!

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2003 1:24 pm
by kzd02
Would aromatherapy be okay on a baby?

Re: Aromatheraphy oils that are good for nerves!!

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2003 5:50 pm
by highlander_1406
Not sure about that one, FRANCINE where are you? tee hee. I think you will have to ask about it before you go and try kzd02 but if you are getting an aromatherapist to do it they should be able to tell you. Or so i wuld have thought


Re: Aromatheraphy oils that are good for nerves!!

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2003 5:57 pm
by kzd02
Thanks. I will ask her therapist. I'm always looking for more things to help her nerves. She is 8 months old so if you have any other ideas i'd love to hear them.

Re: Aromatheraphy oils that are good for nerves!!

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2003 6:36 pm
by PamelaW
Hi, I make baskets and sell them at craft shows so I meet lots of different people all over my state and sometimes other states. Last year I met a young woman named Laurie who sold aroma therapy lotions. It was the second day of a big show and I had a headache. I asked her what she had for a stress headache and she rubbed something on my neck and it worked so I bought it. I never gave it any thought for Jeff as he has nerve damage. Highlander came on and talked about getting massages using aroma oils. I emailed her and explained Jeff's injury. I also cut and pasted some of the quotes on the pain as all he ever describes is pain so I wanted her to have a more detailed description. She is working on a concoction for me right now. I informed Jeff I was getting it and he was trying it. Okay I'm a pushy Mother and I admit it. I will let you know if it works when I get it. She does know what she is doing because she had a closed head injury in 1991 and had chronic pain with no relief. After years of pain and anti depressants and pain pills she started researching on her own. Her massage therapist now buys all her massage oils from Laurie.