United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Chances of BPI occuring with a c-section?
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Chances of BPI occuring with a c-section?

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2002 10:35 am
by Savannahsmom
I just want to my di be as informed as humanly possible going into this delivery. Are there any chances of a bpi occuring with a c-section? The doctor that delivered Savannah tried to tell me that she was so large that even if he had done a c-section, the outcome would have been the same. I am not due until May. I just need to be informed and go in with my eyes open this time. I see a neonatologist for my diabetes and kidney problems who I trust, but you just can't help but be leary once this has happened to one of your children. Thanks! Heather :O)

Re: Chances of BPI occuring with a c-section?

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2002 2:25 pm
by francine

Yes bpi's happen with c-sections. It's not as common as with a vaginal birth but it does happen.

I had a conversation with a doctor a couple of years ago about why bpi's happen with c-sections and she said that it's because doctors are cutting smaller and smaller incisions so that women don't have too much scarring (faster recovery) and because some doctors try to give the baby a "vaginal" experience by making it a tight fit. I don't know whether this is how the majority of doctors feel or do it but it's something to definitely ask your doctor about.

One thing we did have a lot of conversation about in the last two years is having a "c-secion prescription" (with reasons listed) so that if your own doctor does not show up or if you go into spontaneous labor before your c-section date and someone else is there - you have a prescription/letter that will help you guarantee that you get a c-section.

Anyway - I hope that in opening up this conversation with your doctor that you gain confidence in him/her or realize the need to switch to someone else that you will have complete confidence in. You deserve the ability to have complete confidence in your doctor!

Big hugs,

Re: Chances of BPI occuring with a c-section?

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2002 3:43 pm
by Tessie258
I understand how you feel...It's scarry!! I had a baby c-section after my other son was injured and the next baby weighed almost exactly the same! The c-section baby came out perfect in every way. It was so amazing to see a baby who has been born without the trauma...He was so perfect and cute. He wasn't red and bruised all up and his head was perfectly round. Best of luck to you.

Re: Chances of BPI occuring with a c-section?

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2002 6:49 pm
by admin

I really don't think your baby would have ended up with a BPI after a c-section and in all honesty I just don't buy what the doctor is saying about your child being big and the injury. This injury happens from traction.

From my research and talking to a lot of doctors BPI's from c-sections are very rare and when they occur they are due to the doctor pulling on the arm to get the baby out. From what I have learned and been told, injuries from c-section tend to be worse, like Klumpke's and total plexus injuries. The other reasons that kids have injuries that look like the typical BPI's that can still occur with a c-section is an extra rib that exerts pressure on the plexus, a tumor in the mother that was pressing on the plexus, and there may be another I am forgeting. Most docs that work with BPI kids will tell you these type of injuries do actually look different and you can diagnose and tell that they actually aren't a true bpi injury. I was told strongly by Dr. Laurant at TCH to be sure and have a c-section and have it 2 weeks early. The bpi from c-section usually occur when the child has dropped and is engaged in the pelvis, the baby can then get stuck and be injured if a dumb-dumb doctor pulls to dislodge. I will demand a 2 week early c-section if I have another child, but that is just what I feel comfortable with. I would also be interested in discussing with your doctor his ideology about the BPI still occuring with a c-section, scary to me because either he is not being honest or not completely informed. Good luck.

Re: Chances of BPI occuring with a c-section?

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2002 10:35 pm
by Alice--Josh'smom
With my third child I requested a c section and I also heard about incision being too small and causing BPI's. I told my dr make as big of an incision as he needed too. I have to tell you the c section was a walk in the park compared to my first two deliveries. Having a baby that was unharmed was the icing on the cake. Enjoy the stay in the hospital--I thought of it as a vacation and totally took advantage. Good luck.

Re: Chances of BPI occuring with a c-section?

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2002 11:39 pm
by Savannahsmom
Thank you all for the information. I plan on talking it over with my dr. and telling her to make as big of an incision as needed. And since this will be my 3rd baby in 3 1/2 years, I do plan to enjoy my hospital stay and recovery. For me, it will be a vacation. LOL! Thanks to everyone who replied! Heather :O)

Re: Chances of BPI occuring with a c-section?

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2002 11:46 pm
by marymom
If anyone is reading this and is / was thinking about a normal vaginal delivery for their next baby -in my opinion, there are times when this is absolutely possible so dont go thinking, oh thats it- I had a baby with a SD birth -I can never have a normal vag delivery, feel free to email me if youd like to hear more about my opinion on possible vaginal birth after shoulder dystocia...not a popular opinion here but its mine -not trying to argue, just wanted to share-

Re: Chances of BPI occuring with a c-section?

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2002 12:45 am
by m&mmom
I have to agree with you here. I think sometimes you have to look at the reasons behind the injury and make the decision from there and trust your gut. A friend of mine has a child with bpi. Her next child weighed the same and was the same length delivered with no bpi.
I think the important thing is to be informed and make an educated decision not one based on fear.

Re: Chances of BPI occuring with a c-section?

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2003 4:27 pm
by shava
My first child suffered a bpi at birth (thanks to a doctor who tried nothing else to get her out but pull). Obviously, for my second child I found a doctor who listened to my concerns and wanted to know every detail about my first child's birth. (He actually delievered my 25 year old sister)This was a tough decision to make for us-weather to have it vaginally or c-section. I really felt I could have a baby vaginally if the doctor knew these things: I have big babies, gain a lot of weight, etc. This new doctor had 3 nurses in the room to help -he was confident and so was I. It was so exciting to have her natural -even though the first thing I looked at were her arms-which were both fine. I guess to make a long story short-it is possible to have a vaginal delivery again if your doctor is educated on brachial plexus and is prepared.

God Bless You,

Re: Chances of BPI occuring with a c-section?

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2003 4:45 pm
by admin
Your nuts.