United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Seeing great results
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Seeing great results

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2002 11:44 pm
by m&mmom
Matthew had another appointment with reflexologist/energy therapist. She's no longer doing the reflexology but energy work to release his blockages. After today's session if it wasn't for his elbow being 5 degrees bent is would be at a perfectly down at his side. The 5 degree bend it due to habit more than everything else. His shoulder blades are now even as well. We're hoping next week will be his last session.

Re: Seeing great results

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2002 12:55 am
by francine
Well Cindy - this is very very good. So happy for you and for Matthew.

Re: Seeing great results

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2002 8:12 am
by marymom
cindy, which kind of energy work is she doing? We have a neighbor who just started a gee git something on Max a couple weeks ago- it has to do with energy circles being completed and energy blocks being relieved in his body?
I(yes even me) thought it was a bit strange but she had her own table and set up in her house and was offering as a neighbor so we checked it out...Max had been putzing aropund on his scooter and was uneven at the shoulders,but after a 15 minute treatment(maybe 10) he was even again -after visits with the chiro he always balances out too(knock on wood -so far) -
my question is is there a name for the energy work? thanks~

Re: Seeing great results

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2002 3:06 pm
by Lisa D
Excuse my ignorance, but how do you go about finding this type of specialist? It sounds fascinating and fabulous.


Re: Seeing great results

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2002 3:28 pm
by francine
LisaD - this is a good question and on top of that - how does one find a GOOD therapist to do this work.

Check out this link...

It is for Barbara Brennan Healing Sciences - she is world reknowned for her work and for her school. It is a very intense training - 4 years...so if you find a BB graduate that you have an excellent resource for energy work.

Although I have been doing work on Maia since she was born, moms are only "allowed" to do so much...they are too close at times. I take Maia to a Barbara Brennan therapist. I go with her and stay in the room - in the distance and I also experience shifts from what is being done to her. Maia LOVES Kaye and loves the healing stones that want to be held by her when she comes to visit. She lays on the table and is covered by very soft blankets and doesn't hardly even move. We've seen some big shifts in her fears - in her whole attitude (although we still have a long way to go).

I highly recommend you purchase and read Barbara's book Hands of Light http://www.barbarabrennan.com/bbsh/products/books.html
and that will give you a better understanding of the work itself. It's a pretty easy book to follow and has GREAT pictures.

Of course there are MANY MANY MANY other types of healing sciences/energy work - but I believe that this is the most formal/intense training available - it is quite an investment as well - so only those who are TRULY meant to be energyworkers graduate from the study and continue on to do the work.

Let me add another couple of things...there are many ways to move energy.... Acupuncture, shiatsu, reflexology, massage, MFR, CST, Reiki and more... they are all ways to "move energy". You will find that the most successful sessions are those done with practitioners who are truly dedicated to this work and do it on a full time basis.

I hope this helps,

Re: Seeing great results

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2002 7:16 pm
by Lisa D
As always Francine, thanks for the information. And thanks to Cindy for sharing the success!

Re: Seeing great results - Mary & Lisa D

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2002 12:23 am
by m&mmom
She does a combo of myofascial release and Reiki along with various other techniques she's learned over the years but I don't think that is one of them. She has had an incredible amount of training.

We were referred to her. All of Matthew's other treatments we researched and I got out the phone book called and interviewed them all. We have lousy doctors in our area however I have managed to find great alternative care.


Re: Seeing great results - Mary & Lisa D

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2002 9:13 am
by marymom
wow, good Barbara info thanks Fran- Thanks Cin- I want to email your practitioner, email me would ya?