United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Check this out - massage oil mixture...(thanks Allison!)
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Check this out - massage oil mixture...(thanks Allison!)

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2002 11:28 pm
by francine
I have been massaging maia since she was born...and because she has eczema we mostly just use Eucerin cream or Arnica Oil. But she started having a reaction to arnica oil so I had to stop.

Anyway -Allison (baby bradley's mom) pointed me to this website and this essential oil called Helichrysum. I couldn't afford helichrysum on its own but I bought the 7-use rub which has it as one of its ingredients and we've been using it for a few days now... it is a very beautiful oil. I don't know if I would put it on a very young baby -it's kinda strong- but I would recommend it for strong and robust kids - maia's age and up. (always test on small area first for allergies)

I've also been rubbing it on my own arms/shoulders and it is very, very soothing and warming. Maia has not broken out from it and actually it has really tended to her eczema (crossing fingers and toes on this one). It gets absorbed very quickly so it's not greasy/sticky. You may want to check it out...

read about helichrysum while you are at that site.

Thanks Allison!!


7 use rub