United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Does Horner's cause this?
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Does Horner's cause this?

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2002 2:42 am
by Mommyanders
I'm wondering if any of you have trouble with swallowing, chewing, speech? These seem to be issues that have come up for our Caleb (LOBPI) all of a sudden. Thanks in advance.


Re: Does Horner's cause this?

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2002 6:08 am
by jennyb
I don't think so, that nerve isn't associated with swallowing, but others nearby may be. If it's come on suddenly maybe you should speak to your specialist. I do know of one adult who developed problems swallowing after surgery. Poor Caleb, I hope he feels better soon!

Re: Does Horner's cause this?

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2002 8:15 am
by njbirk
I'm with Jenny here.
I have Horner's and have none of those issues.
Speech is definitely not a problem with me, ha!
I'd check it out with your doc.


Re: Does Horner's cause this?

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2002 10:26 am
by Kathleen M
I agree with Jenny and Nancy

I think you should check this out with bpi specialist.

My Mom said I was born talking and I agree Nancy has no problem either. Ha ha ....

As a small child I did have problems with chewing and swallowing but I think it was from other nerve's that were damaged. I would not connect it with Horner's but I read somewhere that nursing was hard for babies with Horner's
Please check this out with your specialist.

Re: Does Horner's cause this?

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2002 1:19 pm
by Mommyanders
I see Caleb's OT on Monday and it will be the first thing I address. It may not be the Horner's but I think it's related somehow to either his traumatic birth or the injury. Maybe that whole side was affected and not just the BP. I don't know. I haven't noticed anything with his legs, except that he can't jump and has had balancing issues. OK, maybe I have noticed things. He can't run very well either and "waddles" when he walks. OK, I think I need to calm down. I can feel myself stressing out, and that's the last thing I need 3 weeks before his "big day" (MT surgery)


Re: Does Horner's cause this?

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2002 2:22 pm
by Kathleen M

I have Horner's and really most doctors never noticed until I brought it to their attention.

As for it affecting the entire side of the body... I think that is true... my right side is smaller then the left side. My foot is smaller my hand is slightly smaller and my arm is 3 -1/2 inches shorter.

My balance is good... but that is from dancing and gymnastics and all sorts of home therapy as a child I was super active. As a young child I ran a lot... and fast... and learned better balance. I was a climber I was always up a tree and falling. I roller skated and loved to bike ride and I also played basketball. considering that I am on 5'3" that is not bad. I also had eating issues as a child and boy was I skinny at times... but I out grew that... LOL... when the nervers are injured it effects the entire body...

Take that deep breath - Try to destress... you need to give yourself a break...

I can't help with your feelings except to say with a Mom like you Caleb will do fine. He will grow and play and will do well with all the great care he gets.


Re: Does Horner's cause this?

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2002 12:23 pm
by Karen Hillyer
Hi Kari
Gavin has a Horners and his balance is severely impaired also. For many years the only cry heard from me was " Gavin don't run" for sure if he ran, wallop, over he would go!
No speech problems from him tho' - like Nancy he has ALL of his speech faculties ( too many if you ask me LOL)
Try and not let these things get to you, I rememebr when Gavin was much younger, I got to the point where I was frightened to take him to any appointments because they might find something else wrong with him.
Caleb has a great Mom and he will do well- I promise you!
Today is a lovely crisp winters day here in the UK and I am looking out of my window at Gavin who was eleven on thursday, he is playing with his birthday present, he has wanted it them for years and for many years I said no because of his balance problems, but in the summer he borrowed his friends and when I saw him use them, I relented and said he could have them as a birthday present - he was overjoyed
so there he is playing on brand new ROLLER BLADES!!
It may not seem much to many parents, but to me it's a huge achievement - and do you know what - he hasn't fallen over (YET!) in them !
so try and not worry - things will work out for you all