United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Update on my son Logan's surgery from last week (we are now 1 week post-op)
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Update on my son Logan's surgery from last week (we are now 1 week post-op)

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2001 9:27 am
by dezarae
ACCIDENTALLY posted this on the Adult BPI Board yesterday - my apologies. So rather than retype it again, I just copied it to here.

Have been too busy to post - thought I should take the time. Flew to Houston last Tuesday, he had his surgery Wednesday, was discharged Thanksgiving day, and we flew home Friday. He had the capsulodesis, plus pectoral release, plus I think they released another muscle a little. I am bad on all these medical terms, but I know they put little snips in to 2 different muscles to losen them so tight. He was very tight on the front and very loose in the back. Because he was soooo lose Dr. Nath is having us keep the brace on him for 8 weeks fulltime, then 8 weeks at night. He handled things quite well.

My mom went with me as husband stayed home to take care of 1 year old daughter. I was grateful that she came because she paid for everything as I did not have the fundage. But she started trying to tell the nurses what they should be doing so I asked her to leave. Was very embarrassing. Thanksgiving night he threw a fit before going to bed plus woke up in the middle of the night throwing a fit (he had pain). The first time my mom was doing our laundry, but in the middle of the night when he woke up in pain she started going crazy telling me I needed to take him back to the hospital which made my son even crazier. Finally I just had to tell her to shut up and go in the bathroom until he calmed down. I'm sorry, I love her but I knew there would be some problems with her coming because she is such a worrywart and seems to thrive on telling me what I should be doing with my children.

The rooms are nice and the staff is great except we ran into some problems when we asked someone to bring some games to Logan. The "lady" came in and started naming off games that she could get for him to play. The first one she mentioned, and remember, the kid is in the post-surgery brace so it isn't like it's not noticeable that he only has one arm/hand available - she asked him if wanted to play Gameboy. COME ON LADY!!! The minute she said that I knew there would be trouble. Once Logan realized he couldn't play he was very upset and that just made matters worse for the next few hours. Eventually we had to take it from the room and had to wait for the last tantrum to end. He was so upset that he was vomitting and sobbing. I felt so bad. I mentioned this to the nurse and she said this isn't the first time this has happened - I mean it was quite obvious he wouldn't be able to play a Gameboy. Just upset my son and that upset me.

They have a bed for the parent(s) in the hospital, but I found it to be as hard as a board. I woke up the next morning with my back so out of place that I was nauseated and got sick while we were up on the 21st floor getting Logan fitted for his brace. After I got sick I felt better but my back hurt still hurt. I never got back to normal until I returned back to Ohio Friday.

Logan's spirits were back to normal when it come time to go home. somewhere between Houston and Ohio I got this bad cold. Had a fever all day Sunday and Monday - stayed home from work Monday. Logan went back to school Tuesday. His classmates were quite intrigued and very understandable. He is handling his sponge baths very well and exercises with ease which is comforting. I'm hoping the time will go fast - it is 1 week gone today so I think it will. If anyone has any specific questions just go ahead and e-mail me or respond to this message and I will do what I can.


Logan's mommy
1 week post-op

Re: Update on my son Logan's surgery from last week (we are now 1 week post

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2001 12:56 pm
by Bridget
Glad to hear your trip is over and you are back at home on the road to recovery.

About the gameboy...don't worry, he will figure out a way to play it! It took my son about a week to figure out how to hold it and play with the splint on! :)

Best of luck,

Re: Update on my son Logan's surgery from last week (we are now 1 week post-op)

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2001 2:57 pm
by admin
I'm glad you're home from Houston and things are (hopefully) settling down. I'm sorry it was a difficult experience this time. I think it must be harder with an older child who understands more than he should. Going back to school should be good for Logan...and give you a break! He'll get so much attention at school, hoepfully, he'll be settled down at home. You've been in our prayers, Desiree.