United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • what's up
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what's up

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2002 8:07 pm
by erica
Hi all!
Thought I would share a bit about what's up in my life as I search for surgery.
I decided that I would like to go on with seeing what can be done for my arm. After the shock of finding out from a leading surgeons that nothing could be done for my upper arm. This came from one of the top in the U.S.A. and the top in Alberta, as well as several other surgeons. They felt that anything they did do would be more detrimental than anything. They said that I would be best to find out what can be done for my hand. So I decided that I had had enough of seeing doctors, so I took a break.
Anyways I've been thinking over the past while about surgery on my hand. I've been given two differant options, each by a differant doctor. Both recommended I come back after I get the upper arm checked out. I've decided that I am going to see the surgeon who has operated on me before to find out what his plan of action will be. He has told me before that he would like to transfer the tendons from my wrist to my fingers. Unfortunately I would lose what little movement I have in my wrist. Only I trust this surgeon completely.
The other surgeon wants to take the tendons from the back of the fingers, and wrap them around to the front of my fingers.
Both of these surgeries would hopefully make it so I can open my hand.
Anyhow the appointment is on Dec. 13.

Re: what's up

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2002 8:34 pm
by Kathleen
Hi Erica

So glad you posted... I have been thinking about you and wondering what was going on...

It sure sounds like you have some serious decisions to make.

I will pray that you make the best choice for you...

So glad you gave us all an update... welcome back!

Re: what's up

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2002 1:26 am
by kathy
Good luck in your decision making about the surgeries. In the last year I have had 3 surgeries on my hand. Two tendon transfers which sound similar to the ones you explained. I am very pleased with the results (although I am still not perfect-or even great really). I am able to open my hand to hold things and make a pretty good fist. Strength is still very minimal, but the doc says it could take up till 1 year after the last surgery to reach full potential.
Again, good luck, I just wanted to give you my perspective on my progress.