United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Settlement Conference A Joke-We're Going To Trial!
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Settlement Conference A Joke-We're Going To Trial!

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2002 2:35 pm
by Anita Hammer
Long Time No Speak. I've been so absolutely busy watching my life fall apart at the seams there's been no time for the computer. . . . so sorry it's been awhile. Some of you "oldies but goodies" know me and Cassidy!

Little Update - Cassidy recovered well from Capsulodesis/Bicep Lengthening. Doing great in therapy - started Pre-School. . . very happy kid!

Darian - doing good - off meds for Bi-Polar and seems to be doing OK.

Marriage - Over! Divorce will be final Oct. 31st.....way better off this way. We're doing much better as friends - and he's still a great Daddy!

LAWSUIT: What a JOKE! We went to our so-called "Settlement Conference" on Wednesday. . our Attorney flew all the way to MI from Boston, Ex took the Day off work (without pay of course - since all the vacation time got used up for Cassidy's surgery) - I worked the night before and didn't go to sleep at all so we could all be in Farmington Hills at 9:00 a.m. for our Settlement Conference to find out what???? They have NOTHING to offer! The Insurance Companies Attorney (Or Hatchet Man - whatever you want to call him) says his company is in their "Trial Year" so all cases go to trial!

I was furious! A phone call would have been just fine for that info! No need for all that wasted time and money!

So our Attorney says: Oh Well, we'll go to trial. . see you in court! He has no problem - says my case is good - black and white - they're prepared for trial by the time we go to the Settlement Conference anyway. . .isn't anything but a couple more months!

I'm just wondering what other portion of my life can fall apart in a couple more months! So far, there's not a whole hell of a lot left!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Re: Settlement Conference A Joke-We're Going To Trial!

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2002 4:18 pm
by NancyP

Glad to hear from you and the same time so sorry for all you are going through. Hang in there, you will be in our prayers!


Re: Settlement Conference A Joke-We're Going To Trial!

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2002 8:31 pm
by Tessie258
I'm so sorry your life is going crazy on you!!! It's the pits! I hope because they didn't settle that you get ALL their money!!!! Those people stink!!!
Time really does heal a lot between broken relationships....I've been down that road and it hurts but as time goes by you really count your blessings that the person is not married to you any more!!!
Good luck to you!

Re: Settlement Conference A Joke-We're Going To Trial!

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2002 6:35 am
by LeeAnne
May God give you strength and wisdom during these times. Try not to focus on everything wrong, but what are the life lessons I can learn from these experiences that can help me in the future. I'm sorry you're dealing with all this right now.

The doctors attorney told our attorney yesterday that he doesn't believe they will offwer anything at mediation this time. Our second mediation with them. Our attorney told them not to waste his time or ours if they weren't coming to the mediation in good faith. So we're going to trial Feb. 3rd. It's been 6 years and I'm ready for it to be over.

Re: Settlement Conference A Joke-We're Going To Trial!

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2002 5:41 pm
by karen r
Anita, don't let this "curve ball" throw you off. Everything that happens is done for a reason. Regroup, catch your breath and, hopefully, you'll be headed for the final round. God bless you and yours.