United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Are OBPI and other health problems related?
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Are OBPI and other health problems related?

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2002 2:03 pm
by admin
Hi All,
Wow! I've never talked to anyone else with Erbs palsy. I hope someone can share his or her experience with this. My name is Heather and I've just found this web site and message board. When I found this site I was looking for information about Erbs Palsy and the long-term effects it has on my body. I'm 24 years old and have very limited use of my right arm. After a tendon transfer and PT, I am able to move my wrist and have some control of my fingers but cannot lift my arm above my waist. The freezing pains that were very common to me when I was younger have subsided but recently I have begun to feel aches all over the right side of my body especially my knee and lower back. Additionally, the vision in my right eye is failing while my left eye is fine! Has anyone else experienced these kinds of things? Everything that I've found on-line focuses on the affects on the hand and arm.

Re: Are OBPI and other health problems related?

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2002 3:29 pm
by admin
I am 46 yrs old with a robpi and the vision in my right eye is worse than my left. Always has been. I'm not sure if it is bpi related as my mom has one eye that weeker than the other along with them being two different colors, one green the other blue so I my vision problem might me hereditary. Its not bad though, as my glassess are not that strong and our eyesight seems to fade as we get older. I have found that my entire right side is weeker. I especially notice it in my right leg. I stilll work out at a gym to try to keep myself fit. Not sure if I helped you not.

Re: Are OBPI and other health problems related?

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2002 8:15 pm
by Kathleen M
Hi Heather

Welcome to the boards... I found this website while researching Erb's Palsy... and I was 60 when I found the board... I am right OBPI and have limited motion. I cannot turn my hand palm up or reach my face without the other hand helping (compensation)... I have learned so much since I found all the others on the board with this injury... We have so many little habits in common no matter what our ages are... its the little things we do to compensate for our lack of free movement.

It has taken me a long time to learn all the terms and the effects this injury has had on my entire body.

Despite what many of us thought it is not just our arms.
Each injury is like a fingerprint so the extent of our injuries is different and therefore the effects on our bodies different.

I noticed that one eye was smaller all my life and had trouble when I needed glasses... they told me my eye did not focus right it was slow to respond to light... The truth is I had T1 injured and it is called Horner's syndrome... that was a relief because at my age I notice one side of my face was not aging the same as the other ... and began to wonder if I had a mild stroke... I am healthy the only problems I have are my arms. The left one is a bit worn out...

Glad you found us. I know for me it was so good not to be alone with this injury anymore and I had others to ask questions of who really understood what I was talking about...

I never thought I needed anyone to talk to about this but once I found all the nice people on the board I realized I was isolated with this injury and have really met some very nice people on these boards.

Ask any question... there are no silly one's believe me... When I first found this board I had to ask if anyone walked around with something in their hand and did not realize it... I thought I was nuts till everyone else said they did the same thing... such a relief... I thought I was odd.... LOL.. So please ask away.

Re: Are OBPI and other health problems related?

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2002 6:34 pm
by Sharon
Hi Heather and welcome to the boards. I'm 55 and ROBPI, I too have worse vision in my left eye (pb side) I was so excited when I first found the board, I cried and spent hours reading all the old messages. Then it was obpi and tbpi combined. So many things were answered just reading. Finally I knew I was not crazy and other people had what I call querky things happening to them as I did. What a relief. Didn't make the pains and quirky things go away but I knew it was not all in my head.

My left side is weaker than my right. I can lift my arm almost to shoulder height but with quite a bit of pain now. I had so many questions when I first logged on, I can't remember them all now. Everyone was and is very helpful in their own ways and with their own experiences. So ask away.

Most of us seem to run into things on our bpi side, how about you? I like to say that the doorways jump out in front of me, but then I really do know better.

Peace and Blessings

Re: Are OBPI and other health problems related?

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2002 8:57 am
by Tina
Welcome Heather

I think Sharon has made the most valid point so far. That, like her in finding this board I realized that these "things" were NOT in my head :) A lot of us have been here awhile and have been able to compare and share for the first time in our lives. For me it has been a most wonderful and rewarding experience.

I am 46 and bilateral BPI with my right being the weaker. I have limited rom with both arms and actually do very little with my right arm and hand. Cannot reach the face or back of my head, have never lifted a gallon of milk without both hands or assistance :) Over the years I have perfected the art of "looking totally normal", one Neuro just exclaimed to me haha I never had any pains or problems when I was younger, they seemed to have waited for me to reach my 40th Birthday. At which time everything kinda fell apart, but only with my arms and shoulders.

I wish you health and happiness and I hope you visit us often, and ask many questions. Please don't be shy about asking either, as that's how most of us gained the wisdom and strength to pursue our own personal quests for more information.