United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • How many of the adult/obpi are doing something special for Awareness week?
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How many of the adult/obpi are doing something special for Awareness week?

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2002 1:04 pm
by Kathleen
For those who just found the message board I am sure all the information is overwhelming...

However I was wondering, if you plan anything special with family or friends?

my friends are far more interested in my discovery of information on obpi and that I am not the only one with this "rare" birth injury. As a result they are the ones who are more interested in helping me spread the word and try to prevent this injury...

My husband and children are of course very interested and very supportive. They have been supportive of my quest for information on my birth injury.

Just wondering what every one is doing this week.
I think we should all celebrate finding our information and really understanding what happend to us on the same night... But how do we do it?

Any suggestions from the rest of the adult/obpi community... lol... I can read some of those minds already...


Re: How many of the adult/obpi are doing something special for Awareness week?

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2002 12:11 am
by Stephanie
I'm going to be distributing the silver ribbons along with bookmarks about awareness week to the people in my office.

We work in a public library, so we're sure people will stop to ask us what the ribbons represent.


Re: How many of the adult/obpi are doing something special for Awareness week?

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2002 4:27 am
by Kathleen
I am meeting with a young girl today...

What a way to kick off Awareness week. I will be her first time seeing any one with her birth injury...
She is about 12 and her Mom invited me for coffee... I have one Brachialplexusours shirts that I am bring to her...( yikes spelling!) I bought them a few years ago and I found a new one in my drawer because they are no longer available.... she is so excited her mom says...and of course silver ribbon...
