United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Dr. Nath Bicep Tendon Lengthening Surgery
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Dr. Nath Bicep Tendon Lengthening Surgery

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2017 3:12 am
by brsmith7
Our son had Mod Quad and Triangle Tilt surgeries following a birth injury in 2010. We submit periodic updates to Dr Nath and following the latest update, he wants to talk to us about the bicep tendon lengthening surgery. He has really good range of motion but he passively keeps his arm at about 90 degrees. He is able to lower it to his side if he is actively focused on it.

I've read Dr. Nath's studies and results but I'd like to hear personal results from parents. Our son is almost 7.

Thank you for your responses.