United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Hello, newbie!
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Hello, newbie!

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 6:22 pm
by teggenberger
Just a quick introduction:
18months ago (Summer, 2014) I had been playing alot of Guitar and also started playing more while standing (i.e. using a guitar strap). Also started learning scales and improvisation (i.e. string bending).
I gradually started to get a knot in my shoulder/neck region, and wrist/pinky/ring fingers get achey from fretting the guitar. I didn't think much of it and kept playing until it gradually got worse. If i don't play for a couple days, it seems to get better.
I saw a Dr. who diagnosed it as a 'Shoulder Impingement' and sent me to therapy (which i didn't do cause money was tight, although i did do the exercises). Also, if i write with that same arm (the left) it will trigger the pain/discomfort.
Now; trying to self-diagnose, play a lot less and am close to putting it away for a good long while (until cures?). When i do play after a break, the knot/ache will return almost immediately.
I read where it could take 6 to 8 weeks to heal?
Relieved to find this group, Tim.

Re: Hello, newbie!

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 9:27 am
by Master DIVER TOM
Give up, never do something you love :roll:
You have come far ;)
Lack of direction is the problem dealing with these injuries.
By post the number one problem is shoulder issues, no matter when the injury happen.
I have had knots in my shoulder to from driving a 18 wheeler with birth erbs :shock: What help me is hot towels on the shoulder and a deep massage shoulder arm and hand ;)
Play your guitar as you fell up to it, its the best therapy , right ;)
Try to rest your shoulder on the desk when you write :shock:
JusT thinking , :roll: Hope may give a way to try???
Give up trying, Never