I am going to try to explain this better
When you apply for a job , dont mark, yes.
When you mark yes , and end up in a pile of other application, You might be past over from a job interview, because others did not have limitation who apply :shock
The second question answer is why a question about being handicap on a job application
Fair job act,
Handicap and getting help from a employer to accommodated you in doing a job, hopefully??
Trying to figure out is, IF you can do the job with or without accommodation from a possible employer or can you do the job with only using you limitation
Doing this happen in a job interview not in just marking , handicap on a job application . My erbs always came up in a job interview, I could not hide my sort arm
Knowing ahead of time about possible accommodation needed is really crazy
It about the job your applying for , and can I learn to the job with my limitation
I hope this explain it better.
The act of god comes in trying to work, we all find amazing way to work with or with out accommodation over our working life and by so many posting here to