United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • To amputate and lack of direction???
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To amputate and lack of direction???

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 7:09 am
by Master DIVER TOM
First :shock: would be Scott post ;)
Tenacity to try to adapt with limitation is real, I drove a motorcycle with birth erbs :shock: :shock: What me worry ??? :roll:
Trying to overcome by adapting is real in life to try to adapt and waiting for the next doctor who might help is real ;)
Pain management is very important to, a life long quest to find relief to :shock:
I have Huge problem ,when it comes to doctors taking a arm without a second option from a doctor who treats our injuries, See a lawyer if this happens???
When do you see a lawyer if a doctor should of known that seeing a BPI specialist should of happen
before a Amputation happen, it is :evil: :twisted:

Re: To amputate and lack of direction???

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 2:10 pm
by Master DIVER TOM
First LEE , you are AWSOME and a Great Post!!!!! ;) :D
To amputate or a choose to do so ???? fact is Amputation happen still at a Emergency room and a nerve doctor being there???? how does this happen, without a Nerve bpi doctor being there Clueless??? :shock: :roll:
We all try with or without any doctor,for any direction from any doctor at a Emergency situation, at birth or latter in life injuries to :shock: :roll:
Fact is ,we learn to adapt with are limitation over time ,we try to get pass or limitation trying to adapt and the issues to try?? :roll: , we are left with in life with or without a arm :shock: :roll: Dans sling ;) I seen many use Dans sling doing many thing , I wish I could of learn??? Very Puzzling :shock: :o
Just thinking :shock: :roll: THERE are many posting in pain with a
Hugs, LEE what a great post ;) :D
I hope I said this OK???? :roll: