United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Motorcycle Accident Results in Complete Right Arm BPI Injury
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Motorcycle Accident Results in Complete Right Arm BPI Injury

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2014 6:54 am
by ZebProctor
On Nov 6th, 2012 I was in a motorcycle accident (a Ducati 1098S for the riders out there) which pulled all but T1 of my BP out of my spinal cord. I also sustained a few other injuries including fracturing a few neck vertabre, breaking my jaw, a few ribs, collapsing a lung, and multiple injuries to my left hand leaving with use of only my index finger and thumb. The ironic part is my right side was, visibly, almost unscathed. One doctor, who claimed he used to be a nuero surgeon, read a few of my MRI's and said my BPI was just a bruise or stretch and I'd be mostly back to normal in 6-12 months (needless to say this was not the case and it wasn't until a month after the accident when I had no improvement that another dr read mt MRI, ordered an EMG and told me the bad news, everything but T1 was pulled out of spinal cord). I was in intensive care for almost a week and in hospital a total of 2 weeks. Luckily my wife who was riding passenger, was holding on tightly and i hit the ground first, so she had virtually no injuries, just a couple fractured ribs. All of my injuries with the exception of my BP have healed. As most of you on here can guess or have learned first hand, it's very hard dealing with this change in my life. Prior to the accident my life (sans work) revolved around riding motorcycles, shooting guns, and various outdoor activities. Needless to say I can do none of these now (although I am having my backup bike, a 2002 Honda VFR, converted to a left hand throttle and front thumb brake). This change of life, along with the excruciating pain has resulted in a depressed state.

Apr 2nd, 2013:
I had primary surgery last week, feel like i got hit by a train but the drs say it was a success. They took nerves and muscles from my legs, ribcage, and left arm. They crossed over some nerves from my left (good) side and also used my partially in tact T1. They say it'll be 6 mos or so till things start moving again. Still trying to get used to all these numb parts of my body. Long road, I know. Ok, back to resting. Still hurts to just breathe, much less type.
While in the hospital I was on Loritab 10/325, Neurotin (sp?), Asprin as a blood thinner due to a clot that formed during the accident and a few other minor drugs mostly to counteract things like constipation, but once released they told me Loritab wasn't maintainable and knocked me down to Neurotin and Tramadol. That's when the shooting pains and burning sensations started and have seemed to get worse every day. As anyone from the US can imagine, there aren't a lot of BP experts in my hometown of Columbia, SC. It was recommended I go to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, I also did a little research and was impressed with what I saw in the Texas BP Institute, so I contacted them directly. With Mayo I was constantly put on long holds, never spoke directly to a Dr, could not get a definitive answer on how much my insurance would cover and most importantly they were hesitant on scheduling and wanted me to travel 1k miles twice, once for consultation, and then again for surgery. The Texas BPI was just the opposite, so I decided to get on their calendar, and will have my consultation on March 17th and surgery (unless they decide its not necessary), on the 18th.

On the positive side of things, my wife has been very supportive in helping me thru this, and fortunately due to her being a pretty successful model, we are financially set. Beyond that I can't find a lot to be happy about... even the "success" stories on here involve around 5 years and leave the person never fully recovered.... so, here I am... my name is Zeb and I'll be seeing yall.

Re: Motorcycle Accident Results in Complete Right Arm BPI In

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 8:08 pm
by AccessibleGaming
Sorry to hear about your accident :( Brachial Plexus Injuries suck ! I have almost the same story as you. http://ubpn.org/forums/3433/36488
If you ever need someone to talk to or ask questions to send me a message. I ended up at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore with DR Alan Belzberg who is a remarkable Neurosurgeon. They have a great Brachial Plexus clinic there. You should give them a call or do a quick Google search.