United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • A message from Lyn ND
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A message from Lyn ND

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2002 7:06 am
by admin
At the moment I feel numb. For those of you who remember I have a son with OBPI I have not posted in a long time for several reasons. Last week my husband died because of cancer. I have not had a computer for several months and will be unable to access one for a while. I am writing to thank you for the support I had for several years regarding my son and feel I must move on and accept he is as good as he can be and not dwell on the injury. I apologise to Stephanie and Kathleen especially for not responding to several emails they sent. I have no email address at present and am using my sisters email because I will be changing my internet provider. Over the years, many of you have given support and rather than offend anyone I thank each of you who have given time to answer my many questions over many years. Good luck to everyone. I feel Joel is going to do very well in life he nearly has his trade qualifications and is doing well in his chosen career as a motor mechanic. I felt it rude not to explain my absence. For those who are parents I know it is devastating when your child is injured but they do get there in time given the love and support we can give them. My husband's illness and attitude to it has put things into true perspective as regards this injury. Life is so precious and sometimes we need a rude awakening as to how precious it is.

Re: A message from Lyn ND

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2002 10:08 am
by Judy-T
Lynn, my deepest sympathy goes out to you and your family for your loss. We have missed you.I know Joel is going to do great at his work.

Re: A message from Lyn ND

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2002 5:56 pm
by erica
Our sympathies go out to your family from ours.
Thank you for being there for me when i needed someone.

Re: A message from Lyn ND

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2002 2:31 pm
by Kathleen

You and your sons have my deepest sympathy. I have missed you but knew the great presure you were under.
I am sure that Joel will do fine because of the great great and loving family he has...

I miss you and your wisdom and hope some time when you are feeling up to it, you will drop by and say hello...

When you are on line again please drop me a line and let me know how you are doing.
I understood what was happenning in your life and thought of you often and continue to keep you and your family in my prayers. I thank you for all your kind words when my family was in distress...


Re: A message from Lyn ND

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2002 3:30 pm
by francine
Lyn - my sincerest condolences on the loss of your husband. I was wondering where you were...and now that I know why, I am truly sorry. I don't even have the words right now to express the shock in reading your post. I hope that you have a good support system around you and that they are surrounding you with their love at this time,
God bless you and your family,

Re: A message from Lyn ND

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2002 7:45 pm
by Stephanie

First I want to extend my sincere sympathy to you and your family. I knew what was happening with your husband's illness and there is no need to apologise for not responding to my e-mails...I've thought of you often and kept you in my prayers.

You and I have shared a wonderful friendship this past year, discussing our concerns about our sons and their problems with learning disabilities. I'm very grateful for all of the advice and wisdom that you've shared.
You are a good "mum" and it's no wonder to me that Joel is doing so well.

Take the time you need to heal, and when you're ready, I hope that you'll contact me AND continue to post.
The other mom's of OBPI children need to hear advice from someone who raised their injured child as well as you have.

Take Care....I send you my love,


Re: A message from Lyn ND

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2002 8:31 pm
by admin
i thank each of you for your replies and when I am back on line will respond at length. I have so much to sort out regarding John's business and Joel's future I feel it will be some time before I can come back again. I wish all well and feel as a parent we can only do our best and give our children the chance to be the best they can be. Often adversity gives them that little bit extra to be better human beings with more compassion and understanding because of their life experiences. Allow them to grow and they will surprise you with what they can achieve.
Bye for now