United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Awareness Walk/Run Today!
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Awareness Walk/Run Today!

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 10:11 pm
by prestonsmama
I thought I'd share a picture of our group that participated in the Awareness Walk/Run this morning in Fergus Falls, MN. It was a fantastic turnout so I'm hoping that we started some conversations. Everybody had fun, especially the kids!!
Awareness Run
Awareness Run
10099_10201426448371444_216717683_n.jpg (127.62 KiB) Viewed 5680 times

Re: Awareness Walk/Run Today!

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 10:42 am
by Carolyn J
Thank you for the picture too.

Carolyn J
LOBPI/75 8-)

Re: Awareness Walk/Run Today!

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 12:16 pm
by richinma2005
Awesome, Maybe you could tell us more about the event and how it all went?


Re: Awareness Walk/Run Today!

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 10:20 am
by prestonsmama
Well this picture was from the 7th annual Athletic Republic Run. I found out that they were going to be having Awareness Groups this year. They wanted groups to showcase causes that aren't normally talked about or that people aren't aware of. I started the BPI group. I was lucky enough to have found another family from a nearby town that has been a great support to me. This was the first time meeting her and her family in person! That made it extra special. Anyways, there were probably 10 groups besides all the other runners. I heard there were over 1,000 participants in the run. We walked the 5K, a few ran it, some ran the half marathon. They were going to give out an award for the group that showed the most "effort". So we ordered shirts, balloons, bubbles, noise makers, pompoms, etc. for everyone. I got bags to put personalized pencils, bubbles, bracelets, candy and a fact sheet about BPI in them to hand out. I also made labels to put on water bottles to hand out. Unfortunately, we didn't win the award. That was a bummer, but we handed out many bags and hopefully got people talking. It was a pretty cold morning so there weren't as many spectators out as usual. The kids had fun and so did I! It was awesome to have this opportunity.

I have also joined a Natural Childbirth group that was started by a couple of my girlfriends. Each month we talk about a different topic (and ultimately get sidetracked talking about lots of stuff!). So at last nights meeting they showed part of the Birth Injuries video and I got to share some of my story and talk a little bit about BPI. There is a midwife in training and also a doula and another training doula in the group. Even they had a hard time watching the doctors pulling on the baby's head. I also gave them all a fact sheet to take home. I found out from one mom, that her cousin had a baby 2 weeks ago at the same hospital that Preston was born at. He has a BPI and they apparently told him that it's common and to just let it be! I was so disgusted! Hopefully I can get in touch with the parents and offer some support. My goal is to keep spreading awareness and sharing my story in hopes of encouraging others to do the same. This can't keep getting brushed under the rug. It has to stop happening. There are so many ways to prevent this and I'm going to do everything I can to help.

I apologize if I made my short story long. I have to say though, how grateful I am for finding UBPN. What a blessing it has been! The information and support found here has been amazing for us. I will keep directing others in this direction too. I can't wait to meet others at Camp next year!


Re: Awareness Walk/Run Today!

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 11:48 am
by Carolyn J
Carly, you've done one fantastic job spreading Awareness for OBPI's! Thank you again.
Keep On Keepin' On for us. We never know how many people we reach...we sew a seed in the back os people's minds. It's alot like tossing a stone in a pool of water, & the waves spread way out into nether land.

God Bless yur efforts.
Carolyn J
LOBPI/ 75 & Proud and sometimes bossy 8-)

Re: Awareness Walk/Run Today!

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 2:16 pm
by prestonsmama
I forgot to mention something in my last post...
I have now heard of 6 babies, including Preston, who have been born with a BPI in the last 5 years at that same hospital! And those are just the cases that I've heard about so far. How many is it going to take before some changes are made in the way they deliver babies? If anyone has any ideas on what I can do, PLEASE let me know. I want to do something, but I want to approach it in the right way.
