United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Introduction of myself
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Introduction of myself

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 9:58 am
by slayer
Have OBPI of left arm and have been working in manufacuring as a machine operator. Recently been laid off for 5 months and found a new job in a similar field but not sure if I can stand 12 hour days with with back problems too. Not like I haven't been trying, but "can't " wasn't in my vocabulary until I started having back problems at 46 years of age. I'm sure you all have similar if not worse issues but trying to handled the anxiety and depression the best I can. My wife has neck problems with titanium cage support and we just got rear ended again which brought on a new set of problems for us. Just trying to keep a smile on my face and deal the best I can. Not sure what the future holds at thhis point.

Re: Introduction of myself

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 11:28 am
by Carolyn J
Welcome "Slayer" to our UBPN Family. I am sorry for your pain issues.yes we get secondary medical /injuries issues /b]as we age.LOTS OF PAIN issues. I too had no interventions but I have consulted a BPI SPECIALIST and a PT. Stretching and slooow excercises in a WARM water pool or hot tub helped alot with the back pain.PT showed me some good excercises for the back pain. As for standing to do your job, would your employer be open to a rubber padded rug for you to stand on? and or a high stool for yoou to use intermittently thru out your day?? It's called ADA accommodation & it's the law too...not so intrusive.. I hope the insurance will pay for some PT for the BOTH of you.
Please keep us updated,ok??
Carolyn J
LOBPI/ 74+++++ 8-)

ps...sorry for alot of bold...my typing isn't good this morning...

Re: Introduction of myself

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 11:21 am
by slayer
Thanks for the support. What kind of work did you do?

Re: Introduction of myself

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 12:02 pm
by Carolyn J
I was a Caseworker in social services for 17 years in various agencies and 1 state Psych hospital.
Carolyn J