United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • These injuries and what to do????
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These injuries and what to do????

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 7:24 am
by Master DIVER TOM
What to do about these injuries, :roll: :shock:
My Thoughts ,
Get a referral to a doctor dealing with these types of injuries. Period ;) You need to know , DOC!!! If that referral doctor cant help keep going till you find one ;)
Something need to be done in time, No matter from birth or later in life by alot of post ;)
If you can get past the part need NOW?? Then you might think to figure out to get a surgery of some type to gain grasp, I know in my life improving grasp help me the most with birth erbs . I never had treatment ever but I wish I could straighten my arm at the elbow, Is there joint replacements for elbows. Because my arm is bent to , I could some how press in wards to hold things so I would say keeping a in wards movement ability is good to gain from surgery to :shock: My shoulder is dropped to with a lot of Ouch over time , Is there surgeries to Do a shoulder joint replacement to, join the upper arm ?? No clue. I know, like a hip or knee joint replacement ??
Fusion of bone vs waiting for some a shoulder replacement?
I never found the best pain med still a quest were all on :shock:
Just Thinking :roll: , and what help me drive a semi with erbs :roll:
I really hope there is shoulder and elbow replacement I think if I would of had it done it would of help me with the :evil: :twisted: we all deal with :shock: :roll:
Maybe this can help with latter in life injuries to??? :shock: These injury are different but the level of pain we go throw is not :shock:
Just Thinking,