United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • One-Armed Anti Persperant Help
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One-Armed Anti Persperant Help

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 11:04 am
by F-Litz
Any tools out there to be able to manage one-armed anti persperant use?

Re: One-Armed Anti Persperant Help

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 2:36 pm
by jmar
i have a device i used for a while. it has two steel rods in it somewhat like a splint. it goes around your palm. alongside the rods is a pocket that you can put your razor in. the other side is a velcro strap that is adjustable. the rods go on your palm to hold a razor. but if you put it on backward. you can use the adjustable strap to put doedorant in and strap it down to your palm. i found a lot of other uses for it also. if you want it, you can PM me with where i can send it. i thought about throwing it away, but if you want it, i will send it to you. or you could go to southwestmedical.com and type in the search box the item number 30968 they are $29.00. dont know about shipping. they are called therafin.
but if you want to try it before you order it, you are welcome to mine. mine has some rust on it. i really dont understand why a product which is designed to be used in the shower gets rusted when it gets wet.???

Re: One-Armed Anti Persperant Help

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 12:37 am
by F-Litz
Thanks so much for your offer but the device won't help Maia.

Maia can grasp - but she cannot raise her arm up.

Today we had a breakthrough however, I bought a "longer" kind of anti-persperant container (it was "extra large") and she was just about able to put it on herself with THAT SAME SIDE ARM (the unaffected arm). I think that with some stretching work, she'll be able to manage it as long as the container is long enough.

Thanks again :)

Re: One-Armed Anti Persperant Help

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 2:54 pm
by Judy-T
I feel like a monkey when I put mine on. That is the only way I can explain it. I curl my wrist and arm to put it on under my good arm.Towel rack helps to hold the bpi arm up. Hope this helps.

Re: One-Armed Anti Persperant Help

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 4:11 pm
by jmar
i just tried to put the device on my good hand. without needing to using my thumb, it worked very well. i strapped it to my fingertips, giving it a little better reach and grip. but i dont know how well she would be able to strap it on her good hand. it also gives a razor more length to use with the good hand for the good side arm.

Re: One-Armed Anti Persperant Help

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 1:55 am
by F-Litz
at that same site - look at this: 557504

this is exactly what I'm looking for! :o :shock: thanks for the site url!!
if it can hold an electric razor - then it'll probably hold an antipersperant container

am going to order it and let you know....

love the site - lots of stuff I've never seen anywhere else!!


Re: One-Armed Anti Persperant Help

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 10:56 pm
by karenr
Can Maia sit at a table/desk, rest her right fore-arm on the desk to help create a "gap" so she can then put the anti-persperant on with the left hand? If she's sitting down she won't have to lift her arm up! Let me know if it works!

Re: One-Armed Anti Persperant Help

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 12:21 am
by jmar
fran, i saw that razor holder. i am not sure about it. i do know from using the disposable raor holder backward in the non injured hand, it is very easy to reach the armpit. the real easy way out is to use a spray.

Re: One-Armed Anti Persperant Help

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 2:33 pm
by F-Litz
Hi Jmar...

I ended up not getting it because Maia became independent with this all by herself behind closed doors. She just kept on trying and figured out how to move her body to accommodate the need. And every time I hear the electric razor buzzing in the bathroom I have this great big smile on my face :) She has finally turned the corner from the not-so-clean teen to the teen who cares more about personal hygiene!! YAY! I was wondering when that day would come and it has arrived!!

All is good.

Thanks for all your help and support xxooxx

Re: One-Armed Anti Persperant Help

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 7:47 pm
by jmar
hi fran. happy to hear Maia is learning to do things on her own. her own hand is the best tool to use. :D she is growing up fast.