United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Any regrets?
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Any regrets?

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 1:08 pm
by hubbard
Does anyone regret having surgery to get some movement back into your arm. My son has a 4-5 root avulsions, so surgery for some movement is he the only way! Would you have the surgery again with what it has gained you? Or if u were never given the opportunity, do u wish u could gain a little movement? Lets hear your personal opinions, good or bad!

Re: Any regrets?

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 4:55 pm
by johnmetalman
I am happy with the surgery I had performed. I had my radial nerve grafted with a nerve taken from my leg. The nerve taken from my leg did not effect the function of my leg at all. It only left me with a little bit of numbness on the side of my foot which I do not even notice now (sural nerve). The nerve that was grafted helped my range of motion in my shoulder, use of triceps and use of wrist extention. I had this done at 11 months post injury and have good results.

Re: Any regrets?

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 5:58 pm
by MW
I lost all function and most muscle below my shoulder. I had surgery at Mayo where they did a free muscle transfer from my leg and activated with my spinal accessory nerve. The end result was that I regained elbow function - totally worth it. I did have to wear a ridiculous cast for a few weeks though and have some scars, but as I said, worth it. It did take about 14-18 months after surgery to see results.

Re: Any regrets?

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 6:56 pm
by Dan
I avulsed all five of my nerves, so no function possible without the surgery. I had my surgery 26 years ago, one of the first intercostal into the bicep. Elbow bends, which means I get some function out of it on a daily basis, better than not having anything. Worth it? Yes. Would I do it again? Yes.

I can also say that had I not had the surgery, I am certain I would have had it amputated and I am happy to have it with minimal function than to have had it removed.


Re: Any regrets?

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 1:43 pm
by AK_Cara
I had a complete avulsion of my nerves back in 05' and had no movement whatsoever and the doctors told me I had a very low chance of getting any kind of movement from surgery (very low) but I did it anyways because I did not want to be left with the thought of, "What would have happened if I did the surgery?" :?: and I'm very glad I had the surgery because I now have function of my shoulder and bicep and even if I didn't I wouldn't have regretted the surgery, it gives hope and sometimes thats just what the person needs. :) I'd do the surgery again in a heartbeat if they could get me more motion (maybe a lil wrist of fingers :roll: ) but sadly they cannot. The nerves they take from other parts of the body typically goes unnoticed becaues I had a nerve taken from both legs and I've only noticed the numbing I bump by foot just right on the coffee table. :shock: :lol:

Re: Any regrets?

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 7:11 pm
by Master DIVER TOM
I thought I would responded to the never given a opportunity :shock:
Being born in the 50s doctors just left me like road kill with no help , treatment ,surgery . My mom tried so hard to find help for my birth erbs. By 10 doctors told my mom that there was no help for me and your child will have just adjust to his limitation.
So I live my life doing that Etc , my post here ;)
The crazy part I found this sight and all the things that could of been done :( Over my life time no doctor ever told me there was anything that would help my erbs over all these years.
I hope to god you Guys never regret getting treatment or surgery, I and so many others post here and it seems that determination to overcome what your left with will happen or by Quest you might finding the right doctor ;)
Sometimes it ends up act of god and the determination to preserver ;) Its Way more than just hope :D By our post :D
I know mr positive ;) :roll:

Re: Any regrets?

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 8:59 pm
by hilltopfwb
I have had nerve transfers and a muscle transfer. I couldn't be happier with the improvement I recommend the surgery highly. Best of luck!

Re: Any regrets?

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 12:57 am
by thebrain
I avulsed multiple nerve roots and had no function from the shoulder down. I have had two nerve transfers - spinal accessory to supraspinatus, and intercostal to bicep. It has only been 2.5 years, but as of now, I am leaning towards amputation anyway. It's a really hard call to make though, since if you're going to do something surgically, you need to do it quickly - you can't wait around and see how your feelings about your bpi limb change, or don't change, as time goes on. I just don't feel like whatever limited use I get out of my left arm is worth the trouble of hauling it around.

Re: Any regrets?

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 12:58 pm
by Master DIVER TOM
I wish that people do not wish amputation but some do by need :( I also know that parts of arms , etc could be used like hearts , etc. I wonder is there a waiting list on arms,nerves ,etc???