United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • SEDATION ALTURTATIVES FOR MRI
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Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2002 12:43 pm
by sunflowers
mY SON (TEN) IS SCEDULED FOR AN MRI next month, he is in panic because they have to IV sedate him before they do the test...HELP>>> he have severe anxiety reactions and the hospital says there is nothing that can calm him down (orally??? other??) before the test. they say if they can't calm him the will do it under general anest... The :::: they will! I really can't believe there isn't something they can do for him before the IV. He truly is in an irrational state. I'm thinking of canceling... does anyone have any info or suggestions?


Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2002 12:44 pm
by sunflowers
so I was so hyped I didn't spell well!


Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2002 1:46 pm
by admin
When my daughter had her mod quad surgery at TIRR in Feb. she was 13 1/2 months old and I was extremely concerned about handing her over to the doctors. She has extreme stranger anixety, especially towards men. Anyways, they gave her a purple liquid to take the edge off and make her a little groggy. I'm not sure of what it is called but everyone refers to it as "Happy Cocktail." It definitely worked! My daughter looked like she was drunk and she didn't mind being examined or taken into the OR. I can't beleive there is nothing they can give you son.


Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2002 2:18 pm
by Karen Hillyer
sunflowers, I know how you feel, my son GAvin also 10 was terrified of having an IV before his last surgery, he was refusing to have the surgery because he didn't want an IV - eventually they just gave him the mask to start the General Anaesthetic. But that doesn't answer your question, so I wonder if it might be worth asking them if he can have a mild dose of tranquilizer - I know it seems very radical, but if it's a reduced dose and it's only a one off, he should be OK
Over here in the UK some dentists give a valium type tranquiliser before tooth extraction as it relaxes muscles and calms the child down. I'm not advocating drugging young children, but I have a son who is Autistic and I know how bad high anxiety levels can affect both the child and the whole family.
Perhaps you could ask the Doctor concerned what they think about this idea - if you feel comfortable with it.
I hope you have some positive responses and the MRI goes well.
best wishes


Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2002 4:26 pm
by francine
Maia did NOT have an IV for the MRI - she had chlorohydrate - a happier than happy cocktail that put her right out. When I was figuring out which hospital to take her to I based my decision on whether or not it would be oral meds or IV meds- I knew maia would not be good getting an IV. In hindsite, she hated the taste of the medicine and they ended up giving it to her in an enema which was probably worse than an IV emotionally.

My suggestion to you covers all the bases... contact the anesthesiologist at the hospital where they will do the IV- ask about an oral sedative - if they can't forgo the IV, then ask if they can give him an oral tranquilizer to help him get over the edge. And use EMLA on the IV site so that he won't feel it going in. EMLA is GREAT but the person from IV team should define first where the IV is going in and EMLA 2 or 3 veins so that if one doesn't work, they have a couple sites to try that are numb.It takes an hour or more for the EMLA to make the area numb so this has to be worked into the schedule. Distraction can work to your benefit as well while they are doing the IV...if he's been tranquilized a bit and if he has the EMLA then move his attention elsewhere when he gets the IV and he won't even know it. EMLA is a godsend for IV's.

also- you can be in the MRI room when he's having it...just don't wear anything metal

good luck!


Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2002 4:28 pm
by francine
ps - get your pediatrician involved in you can't get any movement from the hospital on the sedation issues...and you can also contact a patient advocate.

Is this hospital a children's hospital? If not- can you get him to a children's hospital? They seem to have more compassion for kids. (well sometimes)


Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2002 5:43 pm
by sunflowers
yes it is a childrens hospitasl that is why I just can't believe there is no alternative. It blew my mind. The poor girl who was trying to help is probably really frustrated with me by now... but I am tired and Mike is tired of all the poking and prodding like these kids have no feelings... She is really trying to help but.. when your up against"thats the way we always do it" you know how people are with change.. or anyone who needs something different.. HE wWILL HAVE A PANIC ATTACK and it isn't pretty and frankly I don't blame him... I want an alternative.
Thanks... clorahydrate is my next try...


Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2002 10:37 pm
by Kathleen
Is the IV going into the bpi arm?

I HATE IV... I put off going for blood tests.... I am now almost two years overdue... because any needle I have in either arm... drives me up the wall.....

I never have any needles in my bpi arm. I was told as a child never to allow it... and I trusted my doctor was right.

Francine how about Emla cream would that help with the pain for an IV....



Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2002 1:16 am
by francine
well sunflowers....that girl has a boss somewhere in the hospital and you are your son's best and only advocate and he needs to have this MRI - so go get em!

If other hospitals have compassion and ways around things then they need to also and if not, you need to contact their CEO.

gonna tell you a story... when maia was at TCH for her last surgery, her IV fell out at midnight. I told the nurse EMLA- no choice. She was NOT happy and tried to convince me out of it. Said it would be easy, take seconds, etc. I said NO - EMLA-NO CHOICE. Even my husband tried to get me to relax and I said NO. Nurse said that it would take at least 3 hours and I said OK. She grumped out of there as though I was a complete you know what. Well 2 hours later - she got the doctor's ok- got the prescription- got the pharmacy to deliver it. She comes into the room to find the vein in which to put the EMLA on. Well guess what? she can't find a good vein. She ends up EMLA'ing 6 spots and by now she realizes that mom is right! In an hour when the EMLA was cooked enough she was so nervous about not getting it in one of those 6 spots that she called in a person from the PICU to do the IV. He came in- Maia stirred only slightly when they turned the lights on - he got the IV in within moments - maia never felt it and went right back to sleep.

What would have happened had I not forced the issue? This nurse would have poked her 6 times for an IV (after a surgery and being in pain and all of that at midnight) and may still not have gotten it? How traumatic would that have been? YIKES!

Sunflowers - you know your child - and you have EVERY right to have him protected from further trauma. You fight for your child even if you get a couple of people pissed off at you. Your child relies on you to protect him from things like this.

Don't back down.



Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2002 1:17 am
by francine
PS there are private MRI places not connected with hospitals that may also be a better alternative

talk to pediatrician