United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • How is everyone?
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How is everyone?

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 11:44 pm
by AngelaW
Just wondering how everyone is doing. I haven't had much time to be on the board so I just thought I'd drop in and say "hello" and that I hope that everyone is doing great. :)

Re: How is everyone?

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 6:30 pm
by ArmStrong
Hi Angela,
Glad to hear that you haven't had time to check in that means you've been busy! that's great I'm very happy that you have been able to get back to life full steam ahead.Well today makes one year exactly since my accident,not a great year..lol..alot of changes,nothing new as far as recovery still pretty much the same just dealing with things as best as I can and trying to move on. Angela I hope things keep getting better for you and you continue to make strides,take care and good luck.

Re: How is everyone?

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 7:43 pm
by jmar
as far as my injury goes, i am doing very well since my surgery. i thought at first it was all a mistake, but it has gotten better. still annoying, though. i thought i would have some feeling in it, but no such luck. just as long as i have a bit of function in it, i'll be ok.

as far as thinking about seeing this &%$#@ dr that caused the BPI, i think anyone in that office might want to bring some earplugs that day. i might just tell him what i think and i wont be nice about it. hope he refuses the request from the insurance co.

Re: How is everyone?

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 11:34 pm
by Ian
Hi Angela,

My name is Ian. This is the first time we have chatted. I crashed a motorcycle in Cleveland, Ohio this past June. Tonight I flew into st. Louis to meet with dr. Mackinnon and dr. Tung. My consultation is tomorrow morning. we will see what happens. I have a complete root avulsion so who knows. I am glad to be on this board. It has helped. I appreciate all of your messages and videos. They are inspiring. Hopefully, I will be able to do the same down the road.

I look forward to staying in the loop with you.


Re: How is everyone?

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 11:46 pm
by jmar
hi ian, you are in very good hands with dr mackinnon. she did my surgery back in july. she done an awesome job considering the problems i had with almost waiting too long to do any good. that ^%$&$#@#% dr that botched my surgery i could %&$%#@$ him. can you tell i am furious with him??
but like i said, you are in good hands. good luck.

Re: How is everyone?

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 11:32 am
by hilltopfwb
I haven't checked in that much myself as of late. I should, but just haven't.

Almost two years since my surgery and I do have some arm use - not much but some.

Great to read everyone's response.

Re: How is everyone?

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 7:11 pm
by AngelaW
Hello, thanks so much for all the nice replies. It's great to hear from you all and just to hear how everyone's lives are going. :)