United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Use of electical stimulation
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Use of electical stimulation

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 12:59 pm
by janalynn
What is your experience with electrical stimulation or kinesiotaping for a 14 week old with beginning shoulder flexion and no biceps, or supinators? Thank you

Re: Use of electical stimulation

Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 8:59 am
by RaisingCropsandBabys
My son was having nerve surgery around that time. We did start kinesiotaping around 5 or 6 mos. old and then estiming at 11 mos. old. He is now 3-1/2 and we still do both. I feel like both have helped him (esp. estiming when it came to weight-bearing on Lefty... he only started after 5-6 weeks after starting estiming). We k-taped for biceps, rhomboids, supinator, and wrist extensors when he was younger. Now we alternate between: transferred lat muscle, serratus, rhomboids, and wrist extensors (as they only recommend doing 3 muscle groups at one time). I know your son is younger, but if you have any questions I'm an open book!

He has no bicep movement? What center does he go to? Do they think he would benefit from the nerve surgery?