United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • 3 nights at camp?
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3 nights at camp?

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 1:33 pm
by karenr
I'm assuming that the Guest Rooms are for 3 nights (8th, 9th, 10th) with check in on Oct. 8 and check out October 11. Is that correct? Can a family check in Thursday Oct. 7th?

I'm filling out the paper work to register to come to camp with our 12 year old daughter, Elizabeth. We went to the DC camp but she was much younger. I think she'll really enjoy camp this time!
KarenR from Ohio

Re: 3 nights at camp?

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 5:09 pm
by claudia
Yes, the camp is for Friday, Saturday,Sunday...

I will check with my contact at Trout Lodge and see if they can accommodate guests the day before.

You could also stay at the Renaissance Hotel at St. Louis Airport and do some St. Louis sight seeing, if things don't work out at Trout Lodge.

I'll let you know,
claudia strobing
Camp Coordinator

Re: 3 nights at camp?

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 5:09 pm
by karenr
Thanks for checking, Claudia. We'll be driving in so we'll arrive late Thursday. We won't have time for siteseeing, unfortunately. What's the earliest we can check in on Friday?


Re: 3 nights at camp?

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 7:27 am
by claudia
You can come to camp, but I'm not sure they'll have your room ready until later in the day (like a hotel). However, I'm sure you'll be able to use the camp facilities. They will probably charge you for a meal if you eat in their dining room, as lunch and breakfast are not included in our package. Again, I will let you know when I hear back from them.
