United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Had TT surgery and now possible ACR surgery...
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Had TT surgery and now possible ACR surgery...

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 10:45 am
by T larsen
Good Morning Everyone,

It has been a few years since I have visited the UBPN site. My son had the TT surgery almost four years ago and has taken some remarkable steps forward...Mark was diagnosed as an infant with Erbs Palsy and through the years there has been many ups and downs....the past few years I have only seen ups because I know how far he has come...However, Mark sees things slightly different...he sees his recovery yet is still frustrated at times.....
This is where we are today...Mark has been working out with his budies as most teenagers like to do...The injured arm is week and makes what mark wants to accomplish more difficult...(as a mom, I say but look how much you have done and how much improvemnet there is)...not what a teenager want's to hear..(I believe the only people that can truly understand are people who live it everyday like he does)...Anyway, Mark is back in therapy three times a week and I have sent the doctor pics ofhim so he can get an idea of how mark as improved or not in the past few years...
Mark has regressed slightly since the TT surgery and his Physician has requested a Serial Cast to see if this will help the range of motion..(Mark was not happy to hear this but will do what he needs to)....After the cast comes off the Doctor will decide if he needs the ACR surgery...
I would love to hear everyones thoughts or experiences with serial casting, post TT, ACR surgery etc...
What to expect with an ACR surgery - pain, recovery, outcome
serial casting - out come ...............Have a great day