United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • hi friends... new here... need help n support
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hi friends... new here... need help n support

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 3:48 am
by heartzzzzz
Dear friends, my name is mahesh and im frm (mumbai)India. i met wid bike accident on 20th sep 2009, total brachial plexus injury, complete left hand paralysed (root C5 evulsion). had surgery on 9th jan 2010. after surgery doc said good recovery chances upto 50-75%, pain is too much. i will keep updating my recovery.. now da surgery is just couple of days old... does anyone had similar injury with complete 100% hand paralysis??? and how much did u recovered??? in wht time???

Re: hi friends... new here... need help n support

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 2:59 pm
by RobertRacer
It's hard to say Mahesh, everyone is different. Do you know what specifically the surgery was called as that might help someone elaborate? I had loss in the bicep and deltoid and limited hand function. The bicep tookabout 2 months to feel anything noticable and a good 6 months to be quite usable. My deltoid never recovered but they expected about 8 months if it was going to. And recovery still truly takes a while after all that, maybe a year or two. Bear in mind, these are only my results and you could be different.

You will be forced to learn more patience than you've probably ever known. Thats the tough part. But dont worry too much, you'll get better.