United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • My Mother Ann
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My Mother Ann

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 12:55 pm
by Kath
As Christmas ends each year, I think of my Mother because she died at the end of the Christmas Season.
Today is her Anniversary in Heaven and I just could not let the day pass without honoring her memory.
It is because of her that I am who I am and that I not only survived but overcame many of the struggles we face as obpi children and young adults.
My Mom died when I was twenty eight and my second child was 5 weeks old.
She taught me to be strong, independent, creative and compassionate.
She was strong, smart and had great gut instincts when it came to PT for me.
I use to complain because I thought she smothered me yet made me work hard.
What she did was give me the confidence to believe I could do anything I put my mind to...
She enabled me and never disabled me. She gave me wings to fly... Even if one was broken...
As a widow raising me alone she did all she could to keep me moving, even when I fought her.
Because of UBPN I learned how hard it is on our Mothers and how much guilt many carry.
Guilt that is not theirs to carry but they still do....
I never realize how hard bpi mothers work to keep us moving and encourage us to be all we can be.
I only realized it when I sat in on a Mother's meeting at Camp UBPN.
When I listened to all their concerns and could really see all of the things I thought my Mom worried too much about.
If she were still here... I would say, Thank you Mama for all your hard work.

As this year begins, it might be nice if we could counting our blessings.
Please add your on special thoughts about your parents.

Re: My Mother Ann

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 2:51 pm
by Joy in FL
Very nice, Kathy! God bless.

If not for my parents I honestly do not know where I may be. After my accident my mother had to drive me everywhere. Her life switched to what I needed and how to make it happen. My father would take off work for all my surgeries. They financially supported Adam and I both because I could not work. I could see the struggles they went through just to help me. I knew when I was in pain they were as well. I am very grateful for the love, encouragement and support I got/get from my parents.

Re: My Mother Ann

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 11:03 pm
by Mica
Wow, Kath... that was a fabulous tribute! Your mom sounds like such a special person - so strong and so driven to do her very best for her children. I have a feeling you are very much like her.

Re: My Mother Ann

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 11:00 am
by Carolyn J
Mica, YOU are a Warrior Mother too.
Carolyn J