United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Uneffected arm.
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Uneffected arm.

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 5:19 pm
by CandyJ
Has anyone heard of what kind of things can happen to the uneffected arm from over use. I have noticed that just in the years time my right arm which is the uneffected one hurts in the shoulder and bicep more. I would love to hear from anyone about this. I have heard that from over usage the uneffected arm can end up just as messed up as the tbpi arm. Let me know what u have heard. L-TBPI Candy

Re: Uneffected arm.

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 7:16 pm
by marieke
If you search Overuse on the boards (both TBPI and OBPI) you will get many hits. We have posted info on this before. I am LOBPI and have been lucky that I did not have much pain or overuse issues in my "good" arm until recently. Now I often get sore neck/upper trap pain.

Re: Uneffected arm.

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 12:46 pm
by Its1105
I am one year post injury, My left arm (unaffected arm) got really bad overuse about 2 months after my injury. So my OT started working on it as well as my right (affected arm). I still am in OT and my two OT's still work on both of my arms, left and right, to prevent my left from feeling bad too. I would look into this if you see an OT or PT. They can help you find ways to do things to prevent overuse and stuff. Or do tings to ease the muscle tension you may be getting. I work on different muscle groups since my muscles are out of balance and stuff so it helps decrease the muscle tensions and stuff that I get that creates the overuse syndrome in my left arm.

Re: Uneffected arm.

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 8:01 am
by Master DIVER TOM
Hi Larry,

I would like to know, did you file for the SSDI yourself or did you get a lawyer? If you got a SSA lawyer then he would of sent you to a doctor that would outline the needed evidence. Lawyer fees are caped and medical bills are paid out of your final amount SSA gives you to. Maybe I can give you a little direction,but tell me more of what you have tried.


Re: Uneffected arm.

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 8:45 am
by Master DIVER TOM
I guess I should sight something regarding applying for SSDI. Your medical records are very important to have and to keep to apply for SSDI, its easier to do so. It helps to have them but a doctor can outline it to in a examination report to SSA to. Talk about awareness the board here in the past help make the BPI,etc a section for applying for SSDI by there hard work. That is a huge help in a applying for SSDI , BIG TIME!

To the board here could you please sight the SSA section on the BPI issue that was done.

See a SSA lawyer for sure and bring all your medical records and the copy of the SSA section to. All medical condition help you get the SSDI benefits for sure.

It does take time for sure but SSA only discounts by 6 mo. The rest of the time for payment builds up and you get a payment for that time period minus the SSA lawyer cap fee an doctor examination fee to.

Maybe this will help anyone trying to apply for SSDI. Just in case you might need to do this.


Re: Uneffected arm.

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 5:59 am
by Master DIVER TOM
To Larry,
Thanks for explaining, See a lawyer now. Please ;) There is no cost to see one , the lawyer is cap for his fees . Tell him you can not afford a doctor and he will still send you to one that will lesson and the doctor bill will get payed at the end. The lawyers doctor will link any medical condition you have in his report to ssa so tell him every thing that you medically . When you do see the ssa lawyer do bring all your papers you have to him. You were not deny your benefits yet so please see a lawyer now. If you read my post you know I only say things I have experience in life with erbs . SSDI,WC,Discriminations cases in my life time. You are your best advocate in the end but it does mean to you need to get help and direction by lawyers to ;) Let me know what the lawyer says OK. We will get this done.

Stay Strong,


Re: Uneffected arm.

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 7:05 am
by Master DIVER TOM
To Larry,

I thought about your situation and I know there might be more to your need being unable to work for so long? The second reason I will tell you to see the SSA lawyer if you might be in financially in peal? :roll: I almost was homeless at 15,my dad jump state. Yes I know what it means this way to. If you need public ad, get it or food stamps ask the lawyer about it. You do need help :!: I had to say what I did its the way I roll ;) Despair SUCK big time :!:


Re: Uneffected arm.

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 7:57 am
by Master DIVER TOM
To all that read this with over use issue of Unaffected arm and my experience with SSDI. I never had any overuse issues in my good arm tell I tore it up working driving semis a few years back. What I do know by experience that if you just cant use one arm it not enough to get SSDI. But when I tore my good arm up at work it was enough for sure for it. There for if you need to apply for SSDI, your over use issue do count big time other medical conditions like as-ma do to or depression (yea right) ;) I should tell you all because I injured my good arm at work and medical record was currant. I file my self For ssdi I got approved in 3 month but it was longer before I got my benefits. SSA is what it is ,it takes time. If you cant work any more because of your overuse issue its over and it does count alot in the SSDI rules and section of limitation regulations and the issue of employability in or economic time to find a job with limitations ;) Get on SSDI and pat your self for trying :D Then focus on what can still make you happy :D I customized a used 2005 GTO and do car shows :) Time to have fun trying to get past both arms ;) This is what I know and not just my opinion for sure :D ;)


Re: Uneffected arm.

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 5:10 pm
by CandyJ
I got ssdi my bpi actually helped push it threw quicker. I did not have a lawyer. I went to all my past docs and got copies of all my records and walked into the appeal court room, handed them my medical records and the judge said approved. So I am here to say it is possible to get ssdi without a lawyer just do the foot work and get copies of everything u have had done since u filed. If anyone wants to talk then feel free to message me and I will be glad to talk. Candy

Re: Uneffected arm.

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 8:51 am
by Master DIVER TOM

Best I can tell you did the best you can do with filing for SSDI and your in limbo because of evidence ? You need direction and I still will tell you to see a SSA lawyer. I filed my myself and was awarded SSDI, it was changeling for sure to get my birth records from the 50s, big ETC to. It work out in time, but in some cases like yours to me you may not want to stress anymore over it and let a lawyer sort it out and send you to a doctor .
