United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • One Year!
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One Year!

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 9:18 am
by Its1105
Today is one year since my injury!!!

I almost cannot believe it has been one year, as I can remember it happening as if it was yesterday. I still remember coming out of the anesthesia (from my surgery that caused the BPI) and the doctor standing over me asking me how I felt. I tried to move my arm and I couldn't. I couldn't feel it and I couldn't move it. I just looked at him and said that it was numb. I will never forget his face when he told me that there was a problem and "it fooled him" and the my nerves were cut. At the same time, this year seems to have gone on for forever!!! It has been one of the most frustrating years of my life; trying to adjust to everything.

One year later though.... and as much as I have hated every moment of the pain and frustration - I have to say that I have experienced the joy of making new friends (all of you and my wonderful occupational therapists), I have overcome tons of obstacles, and I am way more confident in who I am and all that I can do despite this injury.

I have come so far thanks to Dr Mih, who repaired my nerves, and my two Occupational Therapists, Ann and Steph. The three of them have allowed me to gain a lot of movement back. I am still do not have full ROM, but I can do a lot now. The pain is horrible and limits me much of the time, but I am slowly learning to live with that.

Anyway, at one year... I just wanted to say thanks to all of you who helped me get through everything. Thank you for the support and encouragement. Thank you for allowing me to vent and complain and whine about it all. :)

Re: One Year!

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 2:20 pm
by RobertRacer
We are still right here with you.

Re: One Year!

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 7:24 pm
by Master DIVER TOM
Hi Rob,

You know first you are starting to get usage thats coming back to a point thats Awesome-!! In your second year if you need help I will try to tell you ways to adapt and overcome your limitation if I can ?? I have gain a lifetime of experience because I was Injured at birth, I know that you and others here were injuries later in life. I believe that this is harder to do because you remember having the full use of both arms. I think and act one handed I never had surgery my hole life . I am :D That more can be done at birth or latter in life for Sure. I am here if I can help if I can?? ;) I like these faces there fun.
