United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • spinal motoneuron regeneration following root avulsion
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spinal motoneuron regeneration following root avulsion

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 2:50 am
by Christopher
http://7thspace.com/headlines/323506/ga ... lsion.html
GAP-43 expression correlates with spinal motoneuron regeneration following root avulsion

The growth-associated protein GAP-43 plays a crucial role in axonal regeneration in injured neurons.

Methods: We have used immunohistochemistry to investigate the expression of GAP-43 in spinal motoneurons during nerve reconstruction following root avulsion in the neonatal and adult rats.

Results: Following the injury, GAP-43-immunoreactivity (IR) could be found in adult avulsed motoneurons as early as 1 day, increased from 3 to 7 days and reached a maximal level at 2 weeks post-injury. The up-regulation of GAP-43 in adult avulsed motoneurons was accompanied with the axonal regeneration indicated by numerous regenerating motor axons entering the reimplanted ventral root and nerve.

In contrastGAP-43-IR could not be found in the neonatal avulsed motoneurons at any examined post-injury time points. This failure of up-regulation of GAP-43 was coincident with no axonal regeneration in the reimplanted nerve in the neonatal rats.

Conclusion: Close association of GAP-43 expression and capacity of regeneration in reimplanted spinal nerve of avulsed motoneurons suggests that GAP-43 is a potential therapeutic target for treatment of root avulsion of brachial plexus.

Author: Qiuju YuanBing HuHuanxing SuKwok-Fai SoZhixiu LinWutian Wu
Credits/Source: Journal of Brachial Plexus and Peripheral Nerve Injury 2009, 4:18

Re: spinal motoneuron regeneration following root avulsion

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 12:51 am
by Christopher
"I could not reply to your thread: "spinal motoneuron regeneration following root avulsion", but I wondered if there were theories as to why the protein was not found in neonatal injuries. Have you read anything, Christopher? Marieke? Anyone?"


I have not read anything pertaining to this, but I find it very odd. Especially since it is my understanding that newborns have the best potential for regeneration after root avulsion re-implantation. I have read this in different studies and Dr. Thomas Carlstedt (who has been working on re-implantation techniques and strategies for over 30 years) talked to me about this years ago.

I'm going to post your question on another board and see if an answer comes in. Good question!

Re: spinal motoneuron regeneration following root avulsion

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 1:12 am
by Christopher
I haven't read it yet, but here is a link to the publication:

Re: spinal motoneuron regeneration following root avulsion

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 10:49 pm
by Mica
Thanks for the link! What stumped you was exactly what stumped me! If neonates have the best healing potential, then why is the protein missing???

Thanks for posting the question on another board! The more we all understand, the better we can advocate!

Re: spinal motoneuron regeneration following root avulsion

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 6:23 pm
by pieface
Prof. Thomas Carlstedth is the man,he did my op 2 months ago after complete avulsion of c5 c6 c7 c8 t1.
Very nice man.