United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • She Crawled Today!!!!
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She Crawled Today!!!!

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2001 10:53 pm
by Julie
My 10 month old right OBPI daughter Renee crawled for the first time today!!! She moved all four limbs and then fell flat on her face but it was wonderful to watch! I never thought she would be able to crawl and certainly not using her right arm. She is 4 1/2 months post primary surgery and we weren't seeing much new movement in her arm until this past weekend. Got shoulder shrug, elbow bending (but we think this is due to her being able to selectively relax her tricep), a minor extension away from her body. I called my Mom and sister (who babysits for us and has been so great doing exercies and scar massage twice a day when she watches Renee and my 3 year old). I wanted to climb a mountian and shout out the great news but I figured the next best thing would be to share it with the people who know best what my daughter and family have been going through! The event is a little bittersweet because two of the people that I would have called/emailed are at TCH today having their sons operated on. Please keep Ryan and Nicholas in your prayers.

Re: She Crawled Today!!!!

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2001 12:33 am
by francine
CONGRATULATIONS Julie!!! little steps, giant miracles!
What a wonderful Thanksgiving present for all of you.

Re: She Crawled Today!!!!

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2001 12:49 am
by TNT1999
Yeah, Renee!!! What determination. Keep up the good work! Julie, thanks for sharing your daughter's wonderful milestone. -Tina

Re: She Crawled Today!!!!

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2001 11:38 am
by Tracey
That is so wonderful! Your daughter has given me hope that my OBPI daughter will do the same! Thank you and God bless you and Renee!

Re: She Crawled Today!!!!

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2001 12:01 pm
by admin
Congratulations!!! What wonderful news!!! You are right, we do appreciate it, plus it gives us hope. Mary Elizabeth is 9 months, does not need surgery, praise God, but has weakness in the arm and elbow and shows no sign of crawling. I know she may skip crawling all together, but your message gives hope. What a blessed Thanksgiving you will have!!

Re: She Crawled Today!!!!

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2001 2:07 pm
by Kathleen
Yeah! Renee... & Julie

Happy thanksgiving...happy crawling...now the wait till you see how much shee can get into...LOL..