United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • thumb under/in & crawling
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thumb under/in & crawling

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2001 8:14 pm
by teresa4
My son has been crawling since 7mos completely normally, open palmed, not fisted, etc. He is now 9mos and within the past 2 weeks he has been occassionally crawling with his thumb in. Anyone else's child do this? If so, did it continue, any particular exercised that helped. Thanks in advance

Re: thumb under/in & crawling

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2001 10:41 pm
by Nicole M
My daughter was doing it and our OT put a splint that goes around the thumb and wrist. I believe it is a Joe Cool splint. We also did the stretch exercise where you put your thumb between his thumb and first finger(the web part) and apply gentle pressure. I don't think I am describing it very good. What it does is stretch that area that causes it to go in. The splint did wonders. She wore it for 15 minutes a day / 3 times a day. Ask your PT or OT about it. They will have good ideas for you. Good luck!

Re: thumb under/in & crawling

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2001 11:12 pm
by Julie
When my daughter was born 10 months ago she kept her thumb inside her palm and the wrist was bent over ("waiters tip position"). The first PT we saw made a hard splint to keep her fingers and thumb in a more neutral position. Once we realized that my daughter's condition was not going to improve quickly our new OT had a neoprene splint made for her with a removable metal stay in it (looks almost like a finger-less mitten with the thumb in its own hole). We keep it on her most of the time to provide her wrist support. Our PT said that the muscle were the thumb joins the hand tends to get really tight so she wants to keep in thumb in a more neutral position.

Re: thumb under/in & crawling

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2001 1:01 am
by TNT1999
Our problems were with the entire hand, not just the thumb, so I don't know what to tell you. I would like to mention though that there's a splint page on Francine's site that has the thumb splint pictured on it -- http://www.injurednewborn.com/maia/splints.html . Perhaps you can print it and discuss it with your son's PT/OT. -Tina

Re: thumb under/in & crawling

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2001 11:08 am
by Connie&Andrew
My son started crawling at 7 1/2 months, completely normal. At about 9 months he started crawling with his hand fisted. We put a neoprene crawling splint on for a while. Our main concern was that he not turn his hand under too far and stretch the tendons in his hand. He doesn't really seem to turn his hand under really far, just fisted.

He's now 22 months and when he crawls, he still crawls on his fist most of the time. His OT feels that he feels more stable that way. We still work on him opening his hand. Whenever we can get to him we open it for him. He doesn't crawl much, usually only when we're playing a game or something. He started walking at 10 1/2 months.

I don't feel like it's a big problem, just something to keep working on. I guess I'm not much help, just thought I'd share my experience.

Good luck,
