United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Dealing with multiple injuries
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Dealing with multiple injuries

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 10:53 am
by AngelaW
Hi all. I was just wondering how any of you with bp damage plus other injuries are getting around? It's been over a year since the accident and they are finally going to be able to reconstruct my knee in december but the doc said I won't be able to put any wieght on that leg for 6 weeks after. This would not be an issue except , of course for the paralyzed arm which makes it impossible to use crutches. I don't mind going back to the wheelchair (though I'll have to move back in with the folks for the duration, sigh) but I'm worried about the no weight bearing issue as I've never had to worry about that before. It's going to make getting in and out of the chair among other things very difficult. Anyone got any tips?
I have to add that being back on my own again and learning to walk straight (with a better knee brace) as been a really amazing experience. I was hard to be confident walking out alone with a bad arm and leg (I'm still not quite ready for an escalator)., but I got through it I accept that I will probably never get the dexterity back in my hand back, but if I can just get some flexion in my arm, i will be pretty satisfied :)
My rule for survival is to always go with pride. If you feel like anyone is staring (and sometimes they do sadly) look 'em in the eye until they realize what they're doing. Never look away.


Re: Dealing with multiple injuries

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 8:05 pm
by Mardelle
Hi Angela,

Yes, almost 23 yrs. of coping with a serious group of injuries and the TBPI. Every 5 yrs. I have it fairly planned that I need repair or reconstructive work. The doctors rarely see me in between unless I have a big problem. I had put off knee surgery for 17 yrs. Finally I had to have it. The left knee...left BP any how...walked out of a parapelegic hospital in 1987 and left the wheel chair. I will not go back in one personally. So I persevere. I use my office chair with wheels, my kids and wrap my arm around their necks and they stabilize me around the waist with thir arm. I hop...and hop...until I get to my destination. I sit on my bum and go backwards like a crab. I slept near the bathroom...had a shower chair to shower so sitting in the shower worked. I started my own physio at home. With quad. muscles with soup cans in a large tennis sock with a a knot at the end and drap the sock over your ankle, while sitting, start to lift the soup cans...then have the ice...the pain meds...this early activity does two things...#1-Gets those muscles in shape & back on your feet sooner. #2- Early excercise cuts down scar tissue- this translates into a faster recovery and a better outcome...Good Friends, Family, Food & lots of movies, love and crafts will have you looking great in no time at all... I had a very bad fall last April and shattered the cardiledge in my left knee...I am facing a total knee replacement someday... The brain has instant recall on trauma. It recalls injuries. In my case my brain recalls that I was paralyzed on my left side to my toes. When I had the knee surgery...they went into recall from the original injury...I needed to wake them up. For 14 weeks...I endured day and night physio...to stay walking. I remember during the day...I would duct tape my self propelling lawn mower and walk with it and cut the grass...all my neighbours thought I was crazy...they felt sadness as I toiled, but had no idea of what was at stake...the wheelchair was not an option for me...I have a 3 prong walking cane that is always near. Because of my brain injury...I usually forget where I put it...loll..
Stay strong and improvise. Be more creative and prepare for everything in advance. Also ask the Dr. to keep you in over night. With your injury, if you cannot transfer from the bed to chair or to a toilet or take a step on your own...you cannot go home. Have your operation scheduled for a Friday if possible, then a Monday discharge is likely. Most phsio are not on call on weekends...this gives you extra recovery time in medical care. Don't try to do too much or get too frustrated...
All will work out...
I will keep in you in my thoughts and prayers...

With Peace,Love & Light

Re: Dealing with multiple injuries

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 1:22 am
by RobertRacer
I agree Angela. Be creative. I know I have been. I dont know if your BPI and leg injury are on the same side, but a cane or something might be an option. I have a Rubbermaid shower chair that helped a lot. And other little odds and ends. I had knee punctures but not total loss of a joint. Legs were pretty much intact with the exception of laying in a hospital bed for two weeks and then tying to learn to walk again. I had the BPI, and the arm was also broken in half, facial jaw and sinus fractures, spleen removal, and split open vertabrae.

Re: Dealing with multiple injuries

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 11:50 pm
by shaunnb
I was in the same boat. Left Traumatic brachial plexus injury, and femoral head fracture- so bit of titanium there. But was unable to use crutches too, or weight bare on my left leg either.
so back to the folks too..
and wheelchair.(but admittedly they are very comfy haha) never looking for a seat ;)
i think what helped me were good friends and family were a blessing here.
hopping... lots of that.
i spent one night @ my townhouse. 3 stories... so lots of hopping there..
but was amazing to be in my own bed.
but after there are lots of canes available when you can start weight baring.
i grabbed a copy of the House MD one with the flames.


Re: Dealing with multiple injuries

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 7:44 pm
by AngelaW
Thanks for answering guys, though this is all unfortunately stuff that I am well aquainted with. I already have a forearm crutch that I used when not in the wheelchair until a new knee brace stabilized my knee enough that I could learn how to walk without it. I got pretty banged too from the accident...broke both bones i my right leg, tore 3 ligaments in my knee, got my inner thigh ripped off, shattered my pelvis, lacrated my liver, broke some ribs, punctured a lung, fractured some vertebrae and my face, broke my right arm, and of course dmaged the friggin brachial plexus. Problem is I got caught in those stupid wooden fences with the rope through them that they out in the medians. Thy're great for cars but death to bikers. Funny that my dad flew over the fence, while I, the lighter, went under it. The best part was the bill we got from the state charging us for damage to the post! Glad my taxes are being spent well. I spent 3 months in the hospital and I also had to learn to walk. I've seen so many doctors that I'm like a rock star at mayo now :) Hard times, but I agree that friends and family get you through it.
My therapist and I are trying to strengthen my tricep enough to support a platform crutch, but I don't think that will work. I've been practicing shimmying my good foot while using a forearm crutch and I think that just might work to at least get me to the bathroom on my own.
It's going to be hard moving home again and being stuck in the chair, though I agree it is comfy. I've just gotten my taste of freedom and it is sweet. It does feel great to be in your own bed.
I did check out some badass canes. Thought about one of the light up ones. Those canes that double as swords were pretty cool. I could walk and fight crime.....


Re: Dealing with multiple injuries

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 8:18 pm
by Mardelle
You go girl!!!

Get what ever you need to get you through it...My son rigged up a block and tackle where there were 5 steps up to my kitchen...it was very cool...a little high risk...but we all survived...and he felt so important to help his mom :)

On Nov 3/09 I have another operation...6 more weeks of recovery...it's a different repair this time...but each time...I pray I wake up and get the chance to have all these great experiences for as long as I can :)

With Peace & Light