New Nerve growth need advice
Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 6:11 am
I just got back from the neurologist that did the emg that Dr. nath ordered to see if a muscle transfer was possible. And the news is wonderful, not only do I have a nerve below my elbow that can be used, I have 2 of three nerves that have regenerated all the way to my hand. So a free muscle transfer is probable, I just am not sure I want to go thru Dr. Nath. He said he will only do the one muscle in my forearm. I would like to find out if the mayo clinic will do 2 muscles one for my forearm and one for my tricep, since I have the necessary nerves. Does anyone know how to go about contacting mayo and telling them my story. Any advice would be great.
rtbpi 4 yrs
rtbpi 4 yrs