United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • How we doing?
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How we doing?

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2001 4:04 pm
by admin
Howdy y’all,

Wow, it’s been a long time since I’ve viewed either the UBPN or the UBPN message boards. Y’all know I was looking for a place to move to, well, it’s been a crazy period of life where I have also been dealing with starting over again, since 1986, yet without losing track of trying to get myself and my BPI health straightened out. I am still trying to keep a positive attitude about being the best I can be despite politics and the length of time since the accident, despite others negative comments and actions/inactions. This person is telling it like this person has seen it to date. This person is still looking to find an area where I can arrive at the help I need regarding my BPI situation. This person is also trying to contact Dr. Nath and make the trip down to see him in order to receive the first professional evaluation beyond five or ten minutes I have had to see him to date. In other words, this person is still trying to receive the support that I have given others in their time of need, I understand these things. Those of you without necessary experience, family/friends or connections concerning certain matters will know what I mean.

The gist of today’s communication is my trying to contact UBPN members who attended Camp 2001 in Colorado over the past Labor Day weekend. I need to inquire as to the availability of anything of a legal or therapy nature regarding videotapes that those of you took at the camp. I know that those of you I contacted at the end of camp said I could get copies when things calmed down after you got home, well here I am hoping to take you up on your offers, (I was the bald person wearing the Green Bay Packers jersey #89) so please contact me at your earliest convenience.

Please be well and get in contact with me, I will listen and ask questions if I don’t fully understand. Again, this person thanks those responsible for making Camp 2001 a possibility for this person.

Really,In Christ’s name and HIS service,
