United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • son injured shoulder...again.
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son injured shoulder...again.

Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 12:18 pm
by Susie
Hi I haven't been on here in a very long time. I have a 7 y/o son with a robpi. He recently took a fall off of a tetter-totter injuring his same shoulder. It looks dislocated on the xray but the ortho said that he thought it was from the inflamation and once that goes down it will go back up where it is suppose to be. He carries it like it is dislocated too and has a knott of some sort on the clavicle. He also cannot use that arm very well. Anyway, I am wondering if this sounds right to you all expert parents in the injury. He is in a sling and I took him to get kineseo taped but what next? Ithink he may need to be re=xrayed to make sure he doesn't have a fracture as sometimes they don't show right away.

Re: son injured shoulder...again.

Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 8:01 pm
by F-Litz
Can you get him to his brachial plexus specialist? Your specialist might see something or understand something that the regular hospital ortho might not. In the least, can you send a copy of the xrays to your specialist? The specialist may also want you to get an MRI or a CT scan for your son.

Best of luck with this. My daughter fell when she was 6 1/2 and we went through the same thing.... yikes and a half - scary time.


Re: son injured shoulder...again.

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 8:12 pm
by m&mmom
We just went through a similar situation with Matthew. I went straight to the specialist. Turns out he just had a muscle spasm that caused all the panic. No dislocation thank goodness.
I agree with Francine and would have your son checked by your specialist.

Re: son injured shoulder...again.

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 3:31 pm
by Susie
Thanks for your thoughts Francine and Cindy. We did get an MRI. Sawyer layed in the machine as still as could be for 40 minutes. I was so proud of him. I think I will send a copy of the MRI to Dr. Kozin. Sawyer definitely fractured his clavicle but no one has read the MRI for nerve injury or the health of the shoulder as of yet. The radiologist wrote that there was a fracture through the middle of the clavicle and recommend seeing a specialist for possible problems with healing correctly. His movement has recovered some but not all of it since the recent injury so maybe it will recover?